Chapter seven

25 1 54

TW: slur, panic attack

Steven opened the door to my room on Tuesday, making me get up so we could go to school. But I didn't want to go, because I didn't want to see Nathan and be confused about why he blocked me.

"Ry, get up!" Steven pressured me, pulling my hands so I could sit up. "We have school, I don't know why you are in a mood. But you can be in a mood at school."

I groan, and stand up to grab clothes. Not even bothering with taking a shower before school, I don't deserve it. I clearly did something to make Nathan hate me all over again, and I hate myself for it. I pull on some dark denim jeans, and a sweatshirt my cousin got me when I went to visit him in NewYork for a summer when I was 13.

It still miraculously fits, even though I'm now taller and muscular than I used to be when I was 13 and could barely lift a carton of milk without groaning.

I struggle on some black converse that I got last Christmas, and went to brush my teeth. I don't bother checking my phone; I don't feel like thinking about what I read last night when I got home.

"RYDER!" Steven's voice pulled me out of my thoughts, I quickly finish brushing my teeth before rinsing my toothbrush and grabbing my phone and bag and hurrying out of my room.

When I make it into the kitchen Steven is waiting for me on his phone with a smile on his face as he  texts someone. I walk over quietly and look over his shoulder to see who he's texting, and glance at the contact name. 'Crush ❤️'  is what is written. Steven quickly moves away, eyes widened.

"Why are you looking over my shoulder?!" He half shouts at me, chest heaving dangerously in his chest, he looks like he's about to cry or scream. I furrow my eyebrows worriedly, and stand back a bit.

"Why are you acting like I just caught you watching porn?" I challenge, trying to ease the tension, but Steven looks at me unamused. "Ok, sorry. But, who's 'crush red heart'?" I smile, and walk out of the house after Steven who is still looking frightened.

"No one. You don't need to know." He snaps, clearly annoyed with me. I get into the passengers seat of our car and ignore the way Steven's heart is about to rip through his chest as he pulls out of the driveway.

He drives past the row of houses, and I notice a car in one of our neighbors driveways that looks strangely familiar. I try to remember where I've seen it before but I can't place it.

I look over at Steven, who is clearly trying to calm his breathing. "Are you okay?" I ask concerned, watching as he grips the steering wheel as if it will run away from him. He nods and turns the corner out of our neighborhood, he keeps nodding. He is definitely not okay.

"Sorry," I apologize, I genuinely don't know what is happening and why he is freaking out like this. "I didn't think it would be a big deal."

He swallows and parks in the school parking lot. He kills the engine quickly and grabs his bag, not waiting a second for me before practically running into the building. I sigh and open the door, but my phone vibrates in my hand, making me sit back down.

I open it and see a message from Liam.

Dumbass - 6:14am
Where tf are you?
Why did Steven run into school?
Hello? Bitch, why do you never answer your phone? 🙄

I chuckle lightly at his texts and lock my phone without replying, it's fun leaving Liam on read sometimes. Well, every time, but he will, and has, blocked me if I do it every time.

I grab my bag, and see my friends waiting at the front of the building.

I walk up to them and slow my pace, Nathan is there with his hands in his pockets, and his eyes trained on something distant that I can't see. When I stand by Liam, he cuts his gaze over to me, he freezes then mutters something to Henry before walking off into school.

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