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"EDEN," JAMES WHISPERED sadly to her. It was the first time she had heard him say her name in decades. Her head shook to him, eyes glowering.

"James." She muttered sarcastically back as he pursed his lips.

"You weren't in hell."

"Despite what you may believe, I think i know enough to know that was hell, Potter." He shook his head.

"There is no such thing as heaven and hell. You go only where you wish to go," he started. "Or where you think you deserve to go."

She stared at him for a second, lips twisting up into a cruel smile. "You wouldn't know. Little Mister Perfect Potter, were you in heaven with little Mrs. Potter? Having lots more little babies? Hm? Sad to be taken from your little cottage up in heaven?" She cackled slightly.

James only gave her another sad look, but began to glare midway as she metioned Lily. "Don't speak her name."

"I didn't, I merely said Mrs. Potter."

"Still." He sent her a harsh glare, eventually turning back to Albus. "Hell and Heaven doesn't exist, Eden. Its only where you think you shoukd go. You believe you deserve hell, and maybe you do, so thats where you went. I knew I deserved to be with her, so I went with Lily."

She eyed him carefully, deciding to change the topic immediately. Where was Peter? She had realized he was a death eater the night she died, that was the first time she had seen him at the table, but she had never gotten the chance to warn any of the Marauders about his secret.

Did they know?

"Peter is a death-eater." Those around the table sent her a curious glance, and some even chuckled. "What? Did you guys already know?"

"We've known for about... Two-ish years now?"

Eden hummed, nodding her head as they went off, talking about something.

Many would wonder why Eden had tried to get herself killed. It wasn't that she wanted to die, it was that she had nothing left to live for. The boys she loved hated her, she had failed her task, disappointed her mother and better yet? She couldn't even find the place where Voldemort had hidden his soul. Sure, there was always clues, but despite Eden being good at magic, she was no where near as smart as she needed to be for her quest.

So selfishly, the girl assigned it to Regulus. And no man, not even Daedulus, who had killed his son, could feel and understand her guilt. God, she felt horrible.

Eden wanted to curl into a ball and cry. So much had happened within the span of 24 hours, and now she was expected to just sit down and take it like a champ? Eden almost wanted to scoff at the thought, but instead she felt her hands curl up, carving moons crsecnt moons into her palm as she fought desperately to hold back tears.

Why was it her who had to come back? She wasn't smart, she wasn't special. It could've been Lily Evans. It could've been Lily Potter. Heaven knows she would've fit right in. Lily had always been well-mannered, with a beautiful smile and fire-like red hair that shone against the suns rays.

Eden was the opposite. She was not well-mannered, often snorting when she laughed, and maybe a decent looking smile with black hair that reflected like the black lake. Her hair colored probably matched the giant squids--that was, of course, if he had any.--

So why had it been her? Hell was nothing compared to the torture of seeing their aged faces, watching James with his fluffy brows furrowed in disappointment, Remus with his eyes droopy and scratches more than she could count, Sirius with his dark eyes glaring at the table.

Why did she have to go through all this fucked up shit?

Eden's cracked and bloody lips pulled up to a smile. She desperately needed some chapstick.

"Something funny, Ms. Rosier?" What the woman really wanted to say was; "Your bloody existence, professor."

But what she ended up saying was; "Your face, Professor." Albus cracked a grin, not taking any offense to the small banter they used to share.

To him, it was banter. To Eden it was brutally honest remarks said in a joking tone. "Well then, I suppose our guest has shown her tiredness through playful insults. Let us head to bed." He stood up, seemingly about to apparate away before he turned to Eden with a twinkling look. "Your favorite cat is looking forward to seeing you again."

Her lips parted slightly. The older woman still loved her, even after all she had done? Before she could ask more, the man was gone with a crack and order members were leaving the kitchen.

guess who's back! back again

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