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If Alison was being completely honest time went by way faster than she had intended it too, she wanted much more in order for her to be able to fully question Michael, question more about what he does, how he actually is as a person, all the necessities one would need to know about another. The clock currently read eight o'clock - simply three hours after her date had picked her up from the convent, well more or less the convent, more like around the back where no one could see the two together.

Either way the restaurants closing time was rapidly approaching meaning the two would probably have to leave in the next ten minutes or so. It's rather absurd how the duo had entered the restaurant at its opening time and left just as it was about to take its leave, i guess that's what happens when you find yourself utterly consumed by another's presence, they've been talking non stop since their arrival.

"Michael, i'd say this our time to leave. We're the only ones left in here other than the workers" Alison chuckled drinking the final drop of whatever beverage was placed inside her glass, "We've been here for just under three hours, i need some air in me".

Michael smiled at her desperateness, if he was being totally real he saw where Alison was coming from. The two had been sat in the same spot for quite some time, it was no wonder their bones weren't aching, however he also didn't want to get up and leave, he's had such a fun time being in the presence of Allie that he's not so sure he'll ever want to get up and go, "Whatever you want. Just tell me when and i'll go pay".

"How about you go pay right now whilst i pop outside for a cigarette" she smiled sarcastically earring a loud sigh from Michael, "Don't be stroppy Mr Gray, you did say anything i want did you not? Anyways you'll end up meeting me outside in no longer than two minutes if you get a move on".

Michael stifled a laugh and began shaking his head repeatedly before looking back up at the girl, "You are something else Alison Kingsley".

"Why thank you Michael. I must admit i am quite the special one" she snorted as did the man in front of her - this was one of them situations where Alison felt no shame being around Michael - it was as if the two had known each other for far longer than a few days. She felt as though she could be herself, as in her true self without being judged or even embarrassed.

"You could say that again".

After the slight conversation Alison headed her way out to the front of the restaurant whereas Michael found his way over to the counter to pay for their evening meal, this gave Allie a good two minutes or so to compose herself collecting all of her thoughts for some well deserved alone time. Alison has to admit she has taken quite the liking to not only Michael but his family as well - well the ones she was lucky enough to cross paths with like John and Esme - she's yet to experience the joys and horrors of this particular family.

Anyways she placed herself upon one of the chairs somebody prior to this had left out giving her a seat of some sort to relax herself upon. Once again her mind became clouded with her thoughts, each one just coming straight after the other. If she was being completely honest they weren't exactly thoughts of such but more questions of some sort. Does she want to get to know Michael more? Is he really worth it? Was she willing to risk her job just to hang out with someone strictly forbidden in the convent?

Alison had not yet come to terms with any of the answers, it was far to early to be making any assumptions of what the answers could possibly be and anyways her and Michael have only seen each other a minimum of three times, it wasn't even that likely that Michael would even want to continue getting to know the girl. Either way Allie was going to do everything in her power to ensure her thoughts were pushed to the far back of her mind allowing her to continue hanging out with Michael without any doubts nor shame.

love without warning | Michael GrayWhere stories live. Discover now