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Walking down the deserted road, I checked my surroundings. There was not a single soul around me, not even any animal or bird. The wind felt colder, the sky scarier and the night darker than usual. The city that never sleeps had somehow fallen in sleep.

I hugged my arms around myself and trudged forwards. My heels ticked on the ground and it was the only sound that reached my ears. I kept waking forwards, looking around and trying to remember what I was doing here. I don't remember leaving my house at this time of night, then how did I reach there?

I turned around the street that led to my house but muffled footsteps caught my attention. My heart did somersaults in my chest and I increased my pace. But no matter how fast I walked, the footsteps kept coming closer to me, no more muffled like before.

"Sapphire!" I heard a voice calling my name. I couldn't figure out if it was a male voice or female, it felt more like a whisper, as if someone was saying my name directly against my ear-drum.

I moved my feet faster, almost running. My house was just few steps away so I didn't stop, not even when I felt a faint touch on my back. The footsteps were really close now and so were the whispers.

"No," I gasped in fear when I realised that my house was not where it used to be. All the other houses were still there but in place of mine, there was a ruin, as if there was never a fully furnished house there.

"Sapphire." The voice whispered in my ears again and this time, I decided to turn around and face the owner of this voice.

Bracing myself, I turned around and angled my neck and watched the pair of eyes staring into mine. Suddenly, there was no light in the street, not even the moonlight. I couldn't see anything else in the pitch black darkness.

Just the cold, emotionless blue eyes ready to strip me of my soul.

"Saph!" A hand gave me a jerk and my eyes shot open. My lungs felt constricted and I couldn't breathe for a moment. Shifting into sitting position, I took some deep breaths until I was finally able to speak something.

"Are you alright babe?" Roman asked and assessed my face that probably was drenched in sweat by now.

"Y.. Yeah, it was just a nightmare." I forced a smile on my lips that probably failed to hide the apprehension on my face. But Roman looked too interested in his sleep to notice my discomfort. After placing a small peck on my lips, he lay back again and within no time, snores started leaving his chapped lips.

Despite my multiple attempts to sleep after that dream, I couldn't, because everytime my eyes closed, the same blue eyes appeared in front of my eyes and caused shivers down my spine.


"Why didn't you tell him about the dream?" Theo asked as he took a sip of the coffee in front of him.

"Do you not remember what he said the last time I told him?" I argued as the memory flashed in front of my eyes. 'You should visit a therapist Saph.' he had advised me when I cried my eyes in front of him about the same dream I have been having over and over again.

"Well, he is your boyfriend. If you can't trust him with your issues, what's the point of all this?" Theo rolled his eyes. He never liked Roman, even when I started dating him in the college and now, after five years, he still didn't approve him. According to him, he might be a good partner for occasional intimacy and all but he wasn't relationship material.

"That's why I am asking you. Am I just being paranoid or this actually means something?" My voice sounded exhausted, even to my own ears.

"I don't know Sapphire; I wish I knew." he sighed dejectedly.

During our conversation, I had yawned multiple times. When I did it again, he gave me a worried look and asked, "When was the last time you sleep?"

"For the whole night? Probably a week ago." I pouted and drank my fourth cup of coffee of the day.

"The man who follows you in the dream, do you feel like you've seen him in real life?" he asked, putting his elbows on his knees. The skin around his brown eyes crinkled as he narrowed them.

"I don't know." My voice was brimming with frustration. "They are just eyes, blue eyes. For all I know, it could be a man, a woman, a child, an animal, a ghost."

"Ok, don't stress yourself Sapphire. We shall find a solution. Tell Roman that you'll be staying at my house tonight." He placed his hand over mine and kissed the top of my head before leaving for his office.

I had known Theo since college and he has been my best friend and a brother to me since then. Whenever I had any issue in the past, whether related to my love life or my professional life, he would be the first one to know. We worked in the same publishing house and lived in the same area of London. The only issue was that Roman and him never liked each other, despite the common factor between them which was me.

Letting out a yawn, I stretched my limbs over my head and called Roman to tell him that I won't be coming home tonight.


After my work ended at almost 7, I walked out of my office and made my way to the parking lot. At this time, most of the workers had left and so did Theo so I had to drive myself to his house. Once I got into my car, I remembered that I forgot some files at home and I need to review them tonight.

Texting Theo that I'd be stopping at my house first, I started the car and drove towards my destination. The weather was really favorable tonight for a sleepover; not so cold, not so hot.

It took me almost fifteen minutes to reach our area. I drove past Theo's house which was quite bigger than ours because his parents left him a lot of money. It took me two more turns to reach my house. A part of me was always afraid that my dream might come true and there would be a ruin instead of the place I call home.

A wave of satisfaction passed through me when I stopped the car in front of the house. Everything was alright, then why was my heard pounding inside my chest? Swallowing the lump of nerves blocking my throat, I used my key to open the door and walked inside.

Roman's cologne reached my nostrils, mixed with a weird flowery smell. The paranoia hit me again, forcing me to think of various horrible possibilities of why he was home earlier than his usual time.

I climbed the stairs and treaded towards our room. The upper floor was creepily silent and that was enough to add to my racing heartbeat. Balling my fist in anxiety, I increased my pace and walked past the guest room, finally reaching the master bedroom where we both stayed. Bringing my hands to the door, I pushed it gently and it opened with a creak, revealing the inside of the room to me.


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