Gang Orca's Hero Agency assignment

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Gang Orca: Now listen up you two. You will be helping me on this mission and we will be investigate the poaching on the killer whale activity that's been happening for while now.
Jirou: Poaching killer whales.
Shouji: Who would want to poach them sir?
Gang Orca: We're still looking into and we might have a clue who might be hunting them. One of my squad members was out on his patrol tell he stumbled upon a few dead Orcas. When he found them he noticed their bodies are missing a few things on them. Their teeth's and fins.
Jirou: How awful! That's just animal cruelty.
Gang Orca: These poachers are probably selling their parts in a black market somewhere out there. If we can find their hideout we will make them pay for what they've done.
Shouji: Were do we start looking sir?
Gang Orca: Well head out to the location where one of my squad members found the body of the dead Orca.(Gets up from his chair and destroys his desk)
Jirou: Uhh sir?!

Gang Orca: We will make them pay dearly for what they did to my fallen brothers and sisters! Nobody messes with the orcas! NOBODY!!!!(Roaring with rage)Gang Orca squad members: YES SIR!!!Jirou:(Oh no! He snapped!)Shouji:(This is gonna be a long day

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Gang Orca: We will make them pay dearly for what they did to my fallen brothers and sisters! Nobody messes with the orcas! NOBODY!!!!(Roaring with rage)
Gang Orca squad members: YES SIR!!!
Jirou:(Oh no! He snapped!)
Shouji:(This is gonna be a long day.)

(Out in the open water

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(Out in the open water. The heroes make their way across the ocean to search the poachers.)

Earphone Jack: Whoa the water is so clear.
Tentacole: At least it will be easy to spot anything right.
Gang Orca: In joy it while you can you two. Once we get closer to the poacher territory be on your guard. Let's say they don't like strangers these days.
Earphone Jack: Yes sir.

1 hour later

Gang Orca and his team finally arrived at the crime scene where one of his squad members found the dead bodies of the wild orcas floating in the water.

Gang Orca: It's even worse than the thought.
Tentacole: How cruel!
Earphone Jack:(Tearing then she wipes them away)Sorry sir...
Gang Orca: It's fine it's all right to be upset on what happened. It's such a shame that a beautiful creature that swims freely across the ocean then suddenly gets killed on something they didn't do.
Earphone Jack: Why do they have to kill them? They didn't do anything.
Gang Orca: These people don't really care for any of the animals. They only care about is money. Blood money.(Grips his hand to the rail hard)
Tentacole: Sir sorry to interrupt but I see something on one of the Orca's back. It's something shiny.
Gang Orca:(Looks and see's it) Wait here you two.(Jumps in the water to get a better look)They won't hurt you anymore.(Closed it's eyes then gets on its back)What's this?(Pulls it out)

(Back on the boat)

Earphone Jack: What is it sir?
Gang Orca: Not sure yet?
Tentacole: Looks like some Kind of tracking device.
Gang Orca: Your right. But it appears to be broken. No way this could be a tranquilizer dart.
Earphone Jack:(Looks at it more) It looks like it was banged up. It could have been the poachers idea in case if anyone tries to find them I bet.
Gang Orca: There smart to sabotages their stuff. But not smart enough to hide there tracks. I think we can you this I bet.(tosses it over to one of his members)Get that fix if you can. Whatever you do don't activate it. I don't want those poachers to come straight to us.
Gang Orca member 1: Yes sir.

(Outside the boat)

Gang Orca:(Thinking)
Earphone Jack: Sure?
Gang Orca: I'm gonna take a little dip.(Jumps in the water and starts listening to the sounds of the ocean)

Gang Orca:(Well give me a sign?)(Closes his eyes and starts hearing everything underwater)

Fishes swimming in the current.
Whale singing.
Dolphins singing.

Gang Orca:•••
Gang Orca:(Opens his eyes wide and jumps back into the ship)
Tentacole: Whoa!
Gang Orca: Set a course the ship to south east. I just heard an orca calling for help.
Gang Orca member: Yes sir full steam ahead to south east!
Gang Orca: I say we might of have found our poachers you two. Be ready when we get there.
Earphone Jack: Yes sir!

(10 minutes later)

Orca: (Calling!)
Gang Orca: were getting closer. The call is getting louder.
Tentacole: Sir over there! A small group of orcas on our right.
Gang Orca: Good eye Tentacole.
Earphone Jack: Hey one of them looks hurt. See that big one trying to carry the other above the water.
Gang Orca: Your right that one's a juvenile. The big one is the mother. Stay here and look around for anything suspicious. I'll help the youngster.(Dives into the water and swims to them)
Mother Orca:(Calling.)
Gang Orca:(Calm down I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to help your child.)
Mother Orca:(Calling)
Gang Orca:(Swims to the young Orca)
Teen Orca:(Calling)
Gang Orca:(Don't worry your safe.)(Gently pats its head as he checks the young orca out.)

Gang Orca:(His tail.)(See's a harpoon stuck to it's tail fin)
Teen Orca:(calling)
Gang Orca:(I know it hurts. Just try to keep your tail still.)
(Breaks the head of the harpoon and pulls the rest of it out)
Gang Orca:(Their that's better isn't it.)
Teen orca:(Calling as it can swim better)
Gang Orca:(Swims to the surface)Phew.(Gets back on the ship)Found this on its tail.
Earphone Jack: That must've just happened and these wild orcas managed to get away from the poachers.
Tentacole: So they might be close by.
Gang Orca: We're getting close to them. Stay alert.

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