A Bitter-sweet End

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Sangwoo has been called a bunch of things. None of these things ever bothered him. Well, except for when a certain pitch black haired boy was the one saying it.

Whenever Bum would give him compliments, his chest filled with a feeling he's never felt before. Or at least a feeling he doesn't remember ever knowing.

Sangwoo brought his key up to the locked door, taking notice of the strange smell coming from behind the wood.

Once the door was unlocked, he grabbed ahold of the door and swung it open. The door swung open with a long, quiet creak. He needed to see if he was able to fix that.

His heart dropped once he heard shuffling from ahead of him. Sangwoo kept his gaze on the floor; a cold chill clawing up his body.

"Welcome home, Oh Sangwoo." A small melodic voice seemed to envelope the younger as he closed the door shut behind him. Sangwoo froze in place upon seeing a slim figure inside the kitchen.

His eyes bulged out of his head when the other turned their head lightly to look at him better. "Come eat, Sangwoo. You deserve it after such a long day."

He could still see love inside the others' cold gaze. Bum still loved him even after what the younger had done.

"Come on, don't be a stranger. Take a seat." Bums' voice seemed to force a slight venom into his words as he turned his head to face in front of him again.

The strange smell from earlier filled Sangwoo's nostrils, making his body inch closer.

Sangwoo sat down on the other side of the table, seeming to stare at Bum for what felt like eternity.

"Do you feel remorse for what you turned me into? For what you've done?"

Silence filled the house after the older one asked this question. His heart started to pound inside his chest as he thought of what to say.

A loud sigh escaped Bum as he already knew the answer. He knew that Sangwoo would never love him. He would never hold him close and say sweet little things to him.

That's not the Sangwoo he learned to love.

That's not the man he learned to fear and respect.

No, this was the man who could kill someone without any hesitation. This was the man who had hurt him in so many ways.

Bum knew that every insult that was spat his way was true. All of it was. None of them were lies. Sangwoo always spoke the truth whenever he spoke to him.

He turned his gaze onto the plate of food he had just made. His hands gripped ahold of the plate before whispering.

"You don't need to answer, Sangwoo. I understand now." Bum then turned to face the other before placing the plate in front of Sangwoo.

Sangwoo stared down at the plate, his thoughts racing through his brain as silence engulfed him yet again.

His gaze then flicked up towards Bum. No emotion showed on his bloodied face as he continued to stare down at him. He seemed to be waiting for Sangwoo to say something.

To mess up.

"Why are you here, Bum?" He winced when he heard a slight tremble in his voice.

Bum seemed to be almost angered with the question. His face never changed as he peeled his mouth open.

"To remind you of what you've done. Of what you've turned me into." Venom laced itself into his sentence. Bum slowly shifted himself behind Sangwoo.

A cold hand was brought up to wrap around Sangwoos' neck. This made Sangwoo freeze as he waited for what would happen next.

"Come with me, Sangwoo. Come dance with me." Bum said before turning and walking away.

Sangwoo immediately stood from his seat. His head whipped around to see where the other was off to. Sangwoo watched as Bum dragged himself into the basement.

[Bum watched Sangwoo stalk closer with fear. He didn't mean to disobey him. He didn't mean to speak out against the silence.

Bum didn't mean to scream.]

"Do you remember what you would do with me down here?"

He made sure not to allow the other a chance to speak. Bum pressed on.

"Do you remember how many times I would apologize over and over again? How many times did you watch me bleed?"

Sangwoo stood still like a deer in headlights. His hand was brought up towards Bum.

Bum looked down at the hand. He brought his hand over, allowing their fingers to lace together for the very first time.

They stood in silence for what seemed like forever. The only sound was the youngers steady breathing.

For the very first time since their reunion, Bum smiled.

His smile held so many emotions, so many words. Sangwoo had broken his smile. He had twisted it into something sinister.

Sangwoo had broken this man.

"Sangwoo, hold me tight. Hold me close for the first time. I don't want to be alone."

Bum said as they started to move around slowly. Sangwoo made sure to wrap his other arm around the smaller, making sure to pull him close.

[Blood trickled down from his face as he continued to cry out for forgiveness. He wanted to be held, to be loved.

Bum would admit to being a huge fucking idiot for believing these things. For thinking that he could change this man.

They were all the same. Everyone was the same.

Nobody wants something that's broken and cold. Nobody would ever want something like him.

He was broken in so many ways. Bum knew that he couldn't be fixed, not even if he tried.

Bum would always be broken.]

The room suddenly turned cold. Sangwoo couldn't feel those tiny hands around him anymore.

He couldn't feel Bums' presence anymore.

His eyes opened to a gruesome sight before him. He had found Bum.

There, right in front of him, laid the last person who loved him. Covered in a pool of blood.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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