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*Time skip*

Soren's pov

"Soren! Soren come fast. It's Eglantine." Mrs. Plithiver says as she comes racing over.

"Eglantine? Let me through! Let me pass! No." I said as I race through the crowd and over to one of the owlets.

"Soren..." (Y/n) says as i went over and sees Eglantine has been moon blinked.

"Do you think you can help her?" I asked as (y/n) and Barran comes over and looks at Eglantine.

"We will do our best Soren." Barran says.

"Eglantine. Eglantine." I say sadly as I watches Eglantine and the other owlet be carried off.

"It'll be okay Soren. My mother and I are one of the best healers." (y/n) says as she tries to comfort me.

"Oh Eglantine. I'd trade places with you if I could. I really would. You know I wish it was me lying there instead of you." I said as i nuzzles Eglantine.

"Oh Soren." Mrs. Plithiver says sadly as she looks at Soren.

"I wish we could do more." (y/n) said as she went in the hollow looking at Eglantine with sadness in her eyes.

"Because then you could see this place for yourself Eg. You know Da's stories? They're true. They're all true. You know the Guardians and the Ga'Hoole Tree and... It's all true. Even Lyze of Kiel. I mean he's real Eg. He's real. They also have the most beautiful and kindest little princess " I said as I looked at (y/n) smiling when I saw her blushed slightly at the comment.

"Soren you promised." A voice says as everyone looks at Eglantine.

"Eg?" I asked as I looked at Eglantine curiously.

"You promised I could be Lyze on the next go." Eglantine says as the group sees her eyes are back to normal.

"Oh Eglantine." Mrs. Plithiver, and I said in relief.

"Oh Eglantine. Eglantine." I repeated happily.

"Soren? Mrs. P? We're... We're not at home, are we? And who's this?" Eglantine as she looks at (y/n).

"I'm a good friend of your brother's young one. My name is (y/n) and I am very pleased to meet you. You're at my home little one." (y/n) says kindly with a soft smile. "We're at the Guardian's Tree Eg. Look. Look this is Ga'Hoole." I said as I gestures too around me.

"No, it can't be. Kludd. He's still-" Eglantine then gets cut off by me.

"Kludd was wrong. Da was right. He was right all along Eg." I spoke.

"No, I mean Kludd was there. With me. He did this to me Soren. He's one of them." Eglantine says.

"He what? No. No Eg. Look you must be confused. That can't be. Well thank Glaux Allomere rescued you." I spoke.

"I wasn't rescued. Kludd gave me to the owl who brought me here." Eglantine says.

"What!?" (y/n) asked in alarm.

"No Eg. No. That's impossible. I mean that would mean that Allomere would have to be a... Be a traitor. No, it's a trap." I said as (y/n) and I looked at each other with a fearful look.

"Oh no. I have to warn them." I said as I head toward the exit of the hollow.

"You're not going alone." (y/n) says as she looked at me.

"But-" I said but was cut off.

"No, I know what you're gonna say but it won't change my mind. I am going even if you like it or not. " (y/n) said with a serious tone.

I didn't say anything but nodded as we both exited the hollow.

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