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My head hurts so bad.

"Fred! FREAD!"

"What man? Chill"

"She's awake."

I tried to move my arms but it didn't work. I must've been tied to a chair or something.

Suddenly something got pulled off of my head and I saw light and five men. Oh no.  Red Cap Guy...

"Yo! Girl!" The guy with the red cap said "Now since you're awake Im gonna ask you a few things, m'kay?"

I looked around to see the rest of the guys from earlier. That one with brown hair and brown eyes looked at me all the time.

"What?" I questioned "Who are you? The fuck have I done huh?"

"Na, na, na no attitude! Soooo where do I start? That girl that you spelled drugs to, that was our deal yk. And you just...well, took it away"

"What the fuck are you talking about? I mean yes I selled her something but I don't know what you mean!" I said slowly getting angry because of the confusion.

"Who. Do. You. Work. For? Or are you in a gang too? Doesn't matter, just tell us where you come from."

"You're... you're Limp Bizkit."

"Yep indeed! I'm Fred by the way. But still where do you come from?"

I really don't want to answer but I guess I don't have much of a choice.

"Uhh. Fine, I'm y/n. I'm in a gang called y/g/n. My name is y/n. And still I DONT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT!"

"Chill out lady! We can leave you here rotting. But you can't do anything except for answering and wishing you'll still live in a few hours."

I am fucked.

"But yeah I remember y/g/n. Especially Jill. Oh how I liked Jill. But she just stole our clients!"

"Well maybe we just have better stuff to sell." I said smirking "But still, Jill never said anything about stealing your clients."

"Well, maybe she kept a secret from you Hm? Maybe there were things that she didn't want you to know."

"Sh...she wouldn't do that."

"Oh, and how are you so serious about that?"

"We are so close together. That just doesn't  sound like her."

"So sad that she has to figure you're not coming home anymore!"

I was speachless.


That Fred Dude told the brown haired guy to have an eye on me caus he's leaving with the rest of the group.

He just nodded, got a chair and put it down Infront of me and sat down.

We just looked at eachother.

"My name Is Wes btw."

I didn't say anything.

"Yk I'm not going to force you to say something but it would definitely make the situation easier for the both of us."

"I'm y/n but you already know that." I said in a raspy voice.

He nodded and smiled sympathetic as he said "Nice to meet you y/n"


Let me know if you like it.
Cya, Haru

Him and his gang (Wes Borland X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now