Chapter 16: December 2022 Part 2 (THE END)

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"Can we just do the next scene?"

"Fine. You're out with Jenna and you are leaving a restaurant. There are paparazzi and flashes are going off, what do you do?"

"This is a trick question! Before we leave I'd go get our car and pull it up outside the restaurant, I'd stay IN the car and text her that I'm outside and she'll come out and BADABING, she's in the passenger seat and we go. Now, if she prefers me to come in and walk out with her I'd do that too, after getting the car as close as possible to the restaurant." You felt quite proud of that answer but judging by Judgy-Mcpherson's look it's not the right one.

"No. It's not entirely wrong but no."

"I got it 50% right?" Your face lights up playfully and you flash him a huge grin.


"Oh my god, you can't just ask me all these stupid scenes what I'd do because I DON'T KNOW. You're supposed to tell me! So TEACH ME." You were sick of it, sick of him and sick wasting another minute on this if all you were going to be was wrong.

"Sit down." He snaps at you and you move to the couch, taking a seat. You grab the notebook you had brought in and the pen and open it up.

"Number 1: You can't react. No matter what question is being thrown at you, you cannot react. Yes, 99% of the questions will be asked of Jenna but if they ask her something that would upset her you can't let it show that you heard and become her knight in shining armor and defend her. You can't do that. Keep it moving. Number 2: Gray Rock Method..."

"OH I KNOW THIS ONE! You become boring and dull. You give one worded answers but nothing they can really reply to and eventually they get bored and move on."

"Number 2: Gray Rock Method," He continues on as if he didn't hear you, "Unresponsive to being hounded or shouted at."

"Isn't that the same as Number 1?"

Oh shit, you really gotta stop talking. You keep your eyes on your notebook.

"Number 3: The flashes from the camera. Sunglasses will help, but looking down at the pavement will get you out of there faster. Do you have epilepsy?"


"Number 4..."

It went all the way to 25. He told you what to do in interviews if you get asked questions but you blocked him out and just wrote down whatever he said. There was no way you'd be interviewed but he said if you ever went to a premiere with Jenna and were in the background you might get called over. Oh no no. But yes, if Jenna asked you to then yes, but oh no no, not anytime soon. Plausible deniability was your game since Jenna was still working on being comfortable with people even knowing about you.

Mr. MTG left after being at your house for 3 and a half hours. He told you you were the hardest person he's ever had to deal with. You joked with him not to tell on you but then changed your mind and told him to go ahead and tell on you. 20 minutes after he leaves and you're relaxing in a bath drinking you get a call from an unhappy Jenna and have to correct her. You try to explain he was a massive jerk to you and the first thing he said to you was that he felt like this was a waste of time. No, of course you're not gonna play nice after that! She grew quiet after you told her that and then said she loved you and hung up on you.

You sent her a picture of your sad face and she sent you back a picture of her outfit she was wearing for Jimmy Kimmel. Your jaw dropped. The hair, the collar, the tie, the sheer top, the metal corset...just all of it. You texted her back a couple puppy eye emojis and then set the phone down. Good she wasn't mad, maybe that meant you didn't need anymore training. You slide underneath the water in the bathtub praying you would never see that awful man again.

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