He goes where? - Part 3 (final)

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Fitz, Biana, Stina, Marella, Maruca hadn't seen him outside of Foxfire. Linh still wasn't on good terms with her brother and assumed he was avoiding her.

Rayni responded to her question with a vague: "out"

Eventually Sophie decided to just fetch Keefe and get Tam later. Dex helped her pinpoint Keefe's location and she teleported there without a second thought.

She landed in a hostel room for one person. There were some clothes laying around as well as other objects that she didn't spare a glance. Her focus was on the bed on the far side of the room. From under the blankets she could see blond, tousled hair attached to a familiar head which turned her way at the intrusion of her and Dex. Keefe's face turned about ten different colors when he spotted her and his face was a whirlpool of emotions. None of them looked particularly happy.

Seeing her about to open her mouth to speak he shushed her and gestured rapidly for her to be quiet.

Transmitting into Keefe's mind, Sophie asked: 'can we come over?'

Keefe hesitated before responding: 'alright. But don't wake him up'

Next to Keefe, nestled between his arms and the wall, looking like he belonged there, was Tam. Fast asleep with his head tucked under Keefe's chin and his arms around Keefe's waist and his legs tangled with Keefe's beneath the sheets.

Sophie was sure she was hallucinating. She glanced at Dex, certain he'd be as shocked as she was, only to see him examining a pair of cuffs lying on the floor.

"So he really doesn't wear them here?" Dex asked quietly.

Keefe grimaced. "Sorry. Turns out shades have naturally cloaked emotions so he doesn't need to."

Dex raised a brow. "Not even when he's that close?"

Keefe blushed a bit. "He's been closer- but no, like this his emotions feel normal to me."

Dex nodded as though all this was completely normal and they hadn't just discovered that Tam had known where Keefe was the entire time.

Keefe glanced at Sophie, subconsciously running his fingers through Tam's hair, the gesture having become a second nature to him. "I should probably explain all this, but first you could tell me why you've suddenly barged in?"

Sophie explained the ripple while Dex looked around some more and stumbled across a half empty box of prattles.

"Mind if I eat these?"

Keefe shrugged.

"Sure, they're leftovers from the last meeting."

Sophie was slowly putting two and two together but still wanted to hear the whole thing laid out.

"If you come back with us we'll explain more about what's happened recently and you can explain....."

She glanced at Tam who was slowly waking up.

"...you can explain whatever is going on here."

After Tam had properly woken up and been instructed about the ripple, Sophie and Dex left. Tam and Keefe had responded to follow shortly after the process of removing the ripple was completed. Sophie also had a sneaking suspicion that she wouldn't want to witness what happened anyway.

She was right of course.

The meeting was an awkward one. Tam and Keefe were flustered. Rayni, Trix and Dex were smirking at them. And everyone else looked at confused as Sophie had felt at first.

Apparently after he had left his letter at her house, Keefe had stopped by Solreef to talk to Tam and leave him a copy of his getaway crystal. Tam and Keefe both wanted to talk more since both of them had been members of the Neverseen for some time and Keefe wanted to convince Tam not to blame himself for what had happened to him.

This is how the Ex-Neverseen-Members-Club was founded. E.N.M.C. for short.

They had started meeting up quite often and then after a while Rayni was allowed to leave confinement to join their meetings. At this point, Tam and Keefe had already started seeking physical affection from each other and Rayni didn't waste a second to tease them.

She only came every other week after that saying she didn't need all the dog food they were feeding her.

Somewhere along the way, Dex had been let in on the secret and created blockers for Tam and Rayni's emotions although Tam never wore his much.

The club meetings consisted of sharing experiences, comforts, and funny stories about the Neverseen.

Tam had convinced Trix to help them by telling him all this and offering help with closure for loosing Umber that he had been unable to receive beforehand. He'd traded his secret with Keefe to make Trix feel more secure. And the Neverseen supported same-sex relationships so he had been hoping to get advice on how to deal with Keefe's growing advances.

At this point, Keefe interrupted Tam.

"That's enough-"

Rayni however, was happy to continue.

"These two are so obviously into each other it's disgusting. I was late to a meeting once and walked in on them making out! If you ask them what happened though, they'll insist it was a pillow fight-"

Both boys were bright red and Tam was glancing nervously at Linh who was biting her lip. "Sorry for not telling you I like boys-"

Linh looked at him. "I should have guessed. So many things make sense now."

Keefe stared at Tam.

"So you do like me-!"

Everyone stared at them.

"You're not together?!"

Keefe shrugged. "I mean-" He looked at Tam. Who blushed and took his hand.

"Yes we are."

Trix and Rayni fake gagged at the sappy smile Keefe gave his new boyfriend. Everyone offered their congratulations, even Stina, and Fitz glanced at Dex who met his gaze and blushed a bit before looking away hurriedly. But that story is for a different day.

Sophie didn't know how she felt about the turnout. Tam and Keefe still often went to the forbidden cities alone. Rayni and Trix still wouldn't open up much. Things were still awkward between her and Fitz. The Neverseen was still on the large. All in all, she wasn't any less stressed than she was to begin with.

A/n: finally finished! Any ideas for other ships I should write?

Opaz out!!!

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