Last Straw

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I had her pinned down. It only took one hand.

Weak Bitch.

My other was punching her skinny ass stomach repeatedly. High-schoolers love cat fights, or any for that matter.

Especially mine.

Tye crowd around cheered me on with phones in hand. "Come on, at least try. Give me something to work for here." I said feeling her from my left hand. She stood up and went to headbutt my stomach. Instead I took a step to the side letting her run straight into the lockers head first like a charging rhino.


Her head collided with the locker door, leaving a big dent in it. The door flung open. Oh did I also mention that was her own locker.

The crowd was a mixture of 'Oooh mustve hurt' and laughter.

I myself found it very amusing myself.
"Awwe, you poor thing. Your poor locker. Here ill fix it for you." . I walked up towards her grabbing her hair about to slam it in the same place she hit from the inside of the door.

"STOP"I heard a familiar voice say.

It was Kate. My best friend.

She came running up from the end of the hall pushing past people recording my win once again.

I didn't care.


Clearly she did though. A hand holds my arm back from releasing this bitch into her locker. Next thing I knew, a balding man with an ugly patchwork vest was headed straight for me. A mere 20 minutes later I was sat in his ugly ass office with some bitch washing and bandaging up my fists of blood.

"So what's my punishment then, I mean its only what? My second time here. Right?" I snapped with my classy attitude.

"Yeah, second time this week Miss Carvell" I heard him say under his stinky breath. "Listen Mr Donnelly, i know im somewhat of well known for my wins. So what ever my punishment, which i have yet to find out, is i. I can handle it.

Mr Donnelly sat back in his chair crossing his arms taking a deep breath before saying "Listen, due to your actions this year, I have no choice but to expell you".


"Your fucking with me? Right?" I'm not sure that he was. His face was looking dead serious. "Miss Carvell , i think its about time we mull this a over and take your self and that dirty mouth of yours out of my office immediately." He says with a little grin. "Ach, mull this over," I said with a smirk with my middle finger in the air, still walking out on his ass.

I saw Kate waiting for me outside the office leaning against the wall. I walked straight past her, paying no attention to her. "Well? What punishment do you have now?" I heard her say sarcastically, walking after me. "Nothing," a smile went across her face for a second. "Im expelled." her smile was wiped clean.

"WHAT!?" She shouted. "You're joking right". "Nope, I'm not, I'll call you later."
And so I walked to my motorbike revving the engine afew times. Before taking off. I needed time to think.

I decided to finally go home after being out afew hours. Finally, I got home, I parked up on the driveway, taking a deep breath before heading inside, here I go.

I opened the door to find my mum sat in the living room with a suitcase and a couple bags beside her. What? I'm guessing she already knows. But why the bags? "School called...". Yep, she knew great. I'm fucked. "They said you got in a fight and im sure you know the rest." I went to say sorry but she cut me off. "WHAT THE FUCK! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS FOR ME TO GET YOU INTO THAT SCHOOL. HUH. No of course you don't.." I'd never seen her like that before.

"Mum I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It's not my fault the girl said she was gonna jump me and my friend. What was I meant to do. Just stand there and say fuck all!?" I snapped back. "Yes yes! Thats exactly what you shouldve done! NOT START A FUCKING FIGHT GETTING YOU EXPELLED FROK THE LAST SCHOOL IN OUR AREA!" She took a deep breath handing me the luggage. "Ive had enough of this, your going to your fathers."

My heart stopped and my vision went blury, everything was silent for a second. I couldn't believe it, why of all places did I have to go there. To that shit head and his side piece.

"Your joking? Right.." I said. "I'll drop you off at Kates for five minutes to stay goodbye". How could she do this.

We made it to Kates and I ran inside. I only had five minutes so I had to make it quick.

I tried the door but it was locked. 'Now, where would she hide a spare key?' I thought to myself. Aha! The classical 'under the doormat'. I unlocked the door and it looked like no one was home. Just as I was about to wall into her room I heard her on the phone talking to someone.

"I know Maise, im just glad shes gone now. Be much easier to eat my lunch in peace without having to stop one of her stupid ass fights every day haha!" She laughed down the phone.

She wasn't talking about me right. Whatever.

Fuck her.

I don't need her or anyone for that matter.

Instead of wasting my breath on her, I marched my self down stairs, keys in hand and slashed her tyre with a nice note telling her to fuck herself. That felt good.

My mum looked at me in shock as to say 'well done but your fucking nuts'. "What happened honey?" She questioned tilting her head slightly.

"Nothing, drive just drive. Im done with today."

What a great end to a shitty day.

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