Chapter 1

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"Doctor, they're ready." A soft feminine voice was heard as I was coming to. "Alright... start the recording then," a different and much deeper voice filled my ears as a faint click was heard. The voice continued "Experiment Number 98-37-241 is now in session, Subject Number 128-73 code name 'Angel' is prepped and ready for surgery. "Subject speak." I opened my eyes slowly. It took a while for them to adjust to the familiar white ceiling. I slowly turned my head towards the doctor, surprised that it could actually move. An old rusty metal table was pushed up against the far wall with an abundance of tools I was all too familiar with, as well as the same damned camera hanging from the ceiling as always. He scowled when I didn't answer right away. Glaring coldly, he stepped closer, grabbed my hair, and pulled me up harshly, lifting the majority of my body up away from the cool table I was laying on. My arms were still being held down tightly, which forced my wrist to bend in a way that they shouldn't be able to. "I said... speak!" Inhaling sharply, my vision went blurry, but with a shaky breath I responded, "I can-" his grip tightened causing another sharp intake of air to fill my lungs, I shifted my gaze to his, which was hard from the angle he held my head at "I can still feel pain... you prick." I replied, eyes narrowing into a glare. My voice came off broken and raspier than usual. With a smirk, he released my hair letting my body fall with a loud thud, sighing in satisfaction, probably because of the soft whine that left my lips when I hit the table, he turned to the nurse dressed in all white at the other end of the room standing next to a large machine filled with some sort of purple liquid that I didn't know the name or contents of. "Start administering the mixture." I sighed this time. "It hasn't worked before," I informed him, still trying to regain my breath. He stays quiet, staring at the monitors. As seconds turn into minutes, his voice is heard once again. "No effect." A small smile made its way onto my face. "As I said." "Shut. Up.'' I let out a slight chuckle, slowly pushing myself up, which was lucky for me, only my wrist was strapped down, to get a better look at the 'supposed' doctor behind me. "So, what's on the agenda for today? Are you gonna take my leg again or maybe another organ? Oh, oh, I know." My head fell back, and my kind smile disappeared. My eyes started to glow a dull green, and all expression left my face, as if there was any there to begin with. "What about my heart?" I started, my voice turning monotone. "You already took it once, maybe this time instead of killing a poor little kid. you could use it, maybe then you would actually have one." "Enough with your excessive blabber," he said coldly. I could see that he was slightly shaking now. "Struck a nerve?," I asked coldly with a little amusement in my voice. He suddenly slammed his clipboard down on the metal table, causing the poor nurse to jump, and stalked towards me. I could see the anger in his eyes, and with loud footsteps, he slowly crept closer until he was beside me. He suddenly grabbed my hair once again and slammed my head back down onto the metal table. I gasped loudly, seeing stars for the second time since I awoke. Once I recovered, I noticed that there was a strap tightened around my skull, making it impossible for me to move. "Let's proceed." He walked away out of my now limited sight. I heard him grab something heavy from the metal table. "You never answered my question," I said in a now quiet, more hoarse voice. "What are you taking this time?" It was silent. No sound came from his direction, but I could feel his disgusting eyes on me, burning into my side they made my skin crawl, like millions of insects were all over me, goosebumps appeared across my arms and I started to feel cold. After a while, a silent sigh filled my ears, and heavy steps started toward me once again. I could hear him getting closer and closer until he finally appeared above me, blocking the blinding lights our eyes met, and he stared deep into mine for what seemed like an eternity. He sighed again, finally breaking eye contact, and moved out of view for the last time.

"Your brain," he finally spoke. "Now be silent." The screeching of a bone saw was all that could be heard.

Subject 128-74Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang