038, bad idea right?

Start from the beginning

"Is Olivia home?" She asked, walking towards where the sound of his voice was coming from.

She walked into the kitchen to see him sat on the counter eating from a punnet of strawberries, "She's in her room."

"Can I have one?" She asked, pointing to the strawberries. Luca nodded, making August practically skip towards him, "Luca, I love you."

"Careful, I might forget my morals." He laughed as she threw up a disgusted look, "Love you too, though." He pressed a kiss to the top of her hair as she grabbed the punnet from his hands and started to run off giggling, "I take it back. Fuck you! Sorry, mom!" He quickly apologised for cursing that loud.

"Sorry, mom!" August yelled at the woman as she ran up the stairs.

She knew the house like the back of her hand, mainly because every day in middle school she would spend all evening in the house and partially because whenever she and Olivia were on FaceTime, Liv would give her a house tour.

"Livi!" August sang spinning into the girls bed, "I have good news and bad news, which one do you want first."

Olivia jumped when she saw August having not expected to see her, "You scared the shit out of me." She rolled on onto her back as August sat down on the bed, placing the strawberries in front of them.

"Okay, bad news it is then," August rolled her eyes before getting serious, "Operation kill Conrad Fisher is off the table."

"What!" Olivia shouted, jumping up to kneel in front of her on the bed, "No!"


After August had told Olivia what Conrad had done, liv declared she would kill him and even came up with a plan to which August had to calm her down and promise one day it would go ahead, but now, clearly, it wasn't going ahead and Olivia was a little too sad about that.

"Liv... It's not that big of a deal." August laughed as her friend became visibly upset.

"I had the pitchforks ready because I knew you two would end up doing some bullshit this year and I'd have to retaliate."

August rolled her eyes once more and shook her head, "I'm going to cousins."

"This was my exact point."

"Not for him. For Steven, he wanted me to go. He said it's important, I don't know." She told the other girl who stared blankly at her, "I'm not going for him."

"It's a bad idea."

"Yeah, I know." August nodded, falling back onto Olivia's bed, "I don't see him as an ex, so it's not that bad. It's basically two friends who happened to fall in love meeting up with other friends."

Olivia fell back beside her, "Fat ass lie."

August was silent for a moment. She had her bottom lip trapped between her top and bottom teeth as she stared up at the ceiling, trying to come up with a good and bad outcome for going to cousins.

"It's a really bad idea." August confirmed.

"When are you leaving?"

"Tonight..." August scrunched up her nose at the thought, "I still have to tell Jayden."

"I want juicy details." Olivia sat up, leaning over August, "Every. Single. Detail."

"You will get Every. Single. Detail."

"Good," Olivia smiled, "You're so dumb. I love you, but you're stupid. We said we weren't going back to them."

"We're not!" August defended herself, "I swear!"

    "We're not!" August defended herself, "I swear!"

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kianna speaks

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kianna speaks

this was a filler 🧍🏻‍♀️it wasn't meant to be here
also the whole timeline of this fic is fucked because last year i was convinced it was set in 2021 😍 (it wasn't)

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