Day 1

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In life there are times you are alone. We are alone for a 5 1/2 day stretch because our mother is on a ghost hunting trip( yes, seriously). We are on day 2 of this venture and life has been blissful. Do not get me wrong we love our mom, but sometimes being alone is nice. It gives me time to write, read, draw, catch up on tv, and clean up the house so it is nice an sparkly for when she comes home. 

Although I am alone, I am not lonely. That is one aspect that is important when you are left on your lonesome. It is alright to be alone, but once the isolation hits, things can get bad. Don't become a hermit. Make contact with friends and I find staying in touch with the mom has helped a lot. I've also spent time with my grandfather over the past 2 days and that has also aided in staying connected. Although  Day 1 has passed I will still type about it because I was at least cofronting yesterday. Today is my first day truly fronting through the body and I don't know how I feel about it yet. 

Day 1 (8/17/23): We woke up around 10. Which is another thing that is nice about being home alone, we can sleep whenever and where ever we so choose. We hung around in bed for about an hour then proceeded to roll out of bed. Around 11:30 we got a call from our grandfather saying that he was on his way over. Which for him that involves an hour and a half drive. He was coming to cut the grass and haul off parts of our fence that has broken. He got here around 1 and he cut the grass while we watched tv and talked to our partner on the phone. He ended up getting the mower stuck in the ditch by our driveway, so we had to fly by the seat of our pants and learn to drive his truck to drag him out of the ditch. After this incident, we went inside and changed into day clothes, so we could be of some help to him outside. We waited for him to come fetch us from the living room. He retrieved us then we set to work picking up large pieces of wooden fencing onto a trailer. One of the others, Dev, was ready to pitch a fit because he didn't want to leave the house. Dev is an introvert and was in need of a recharge, AKA a nap. After loading the trailer, we hopped in his truck and headed on our way to the land fill. It was about 3:45 at the point. On our way to the other side of town the roping snapped and a piece of fencing blew off the back end of the trailer. This got us various honks and yelled profanities thrown our way. We turned around and went to pick up the broken fence out of the road and we were greeted by an officer of the law who very nicely informed us this mistake could've cost us a $1000 fine. He was kind enough to not charge our grandfather and actually helped us pick up the pieces. We went on our way and arrived at the dump to only find out it had closed at 4, not 6 like Pappy thought it did. In retrospect, he should have called, but did not. With a red face and swearing the whole way he drove us back home where we would be out of the heat. He had to leave the mower and trailer at our house. Then he made the long drive back home knowing he would have to return the next day. We spent the rest of the night on the phone enjoying the long distance company while the cats played around us, the dog stayed cuddled up to our legs, and "Criminal Minds" played in the background quietly.  All in all a good day


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