The six costumers spend the next 30 minutes solving riddles and finding clues to unlock the main escape door that contained 5 locks. The group wasn't as bad as Yoongi had anticipated with the blond tall dude being the smartest one, whom he learned his name was Namjoon. 

Among the group was also a brown haired bunny like looking guy who was oddly passionate about having to 'win this game as fast as possible'- his words not Yoongis-, a broad shouldered tall dude, quote "I'm way too handsome to be eaten by a Zombie! Maybe a fairy, but not a Zombie!"

"You wanna get eaten by Jimin?" 

"Tae!" Well, fairy Jimin just kicked poor Tae for that statement.

But the one person that was most intriguing to Yoongi was that Hobi guy. How could he not? With the way the taller always made sure to hold the largest distance between them as he possibly could in the small room and constantly side eyed him just in case Yoongi tried something funny. It was almost like nobody had told the dude about the game they were playing and he was not about to be actually eaten alive.

It was way too amusing for Yoongi to witness. Plus, with him teleporting himself across the room, screaming his soul out whenever he just got the glance of something scary was way too entertaining to watch.

Yoongi didn't have a clock with him, but seeing how he's now able to reach into more than half of the room, the group didn't have much time left. Poor Hobi guy was seriously having a crisis.

"Jung Hoseok calm down before I hit you!" broad shouldered dude threatened "We're never getting out of here if you keep freaking out like this!"

"It's not my fault you all dragged me into this mess! I never wanted to go here to get eaten by some ugly Zombie!" okay ouch? Yoongi then decided to call the Hobi guy Hoseok guy from then on out. He's not getting nicknamed from him again after that one.

"Don't say that. Look! You even offended the Zombie!" all eyes were suddenly on him, something he really did not like. He didn't even notice wen he started looking offended.

It almost seemed like a flash of remorse crossed Hoseok guys face "I'm sorry Zombie" He seriously is not about to apologise right?

"I didn't mean to offend you, you're actually-" He stopped himself, stepping a bit closer to Yoongi "Well you don't look very appealing.." 

Excuse me? Of course Yoongi wore a ton of make-up and bandages to look as scary as possible. In fact, one who knew him might have not even recognised him under the green- grayish layer of make-up covering his entire skin. But still-

"BUT!" Hoseok stuttered out after a minute of thinking "You're short, which I think is a good quality because short guys are cute."

Wow. The guy looked way too proud of himself after calling him ugly and then short. The worst part was that he actually did look unfairly cute and supportive that Yoongis brain seriously stopped to think if he was supposed to feel flustered after the insult.

But just for a second because just then his chains gave in and Yoongi made sure to rush forward as abruptly as possible right up into Hoseok guys face.

Maybe not the best idea for the health of his eardrums right after Hoseok let out the loudest screech known to mankind, rushing to cling to the blond tall dude.

"Namjoonie~~" He sounded like he was about to cry, which he probably was. 'Namjoonie' only shook his head, trying not to laugh.

"Guys! We seriously have to hurry!" Bunny guy stressed. But he was right. Yoongi was almost able to reach into the small corner of space they still had left, then it was over. 

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