"Where are we going, Joe?" Jacob asked from the backseat.

"Are you guys hungry?" Joey asked us.

"Very," Jacob and I said in unison.

Joey chuckled, "There's this diner that's open 24/7 that Mom and Dad love to go to together. They took me twice and the food was amazing! I want to go there."

The three of us rode in silence until we finally made it to our destination.

We exited the car and entered the building. I was instantly hit with the smell of coffee and the sound of soft music. We sat at a booth near the window and waited for someone to take our orders. An older lady with a red and blue apron approached our table with a pen and notepad.

"You three seem a bit young to be out so late," she said, "where are your parents?"

"They're sleeping," Jacob exclaimed.

"I see," the lady nodded, "and do they know you're out here so late?"

"Yeah, they know," I said.

The lady eyed us for a brief moment, then took our orders. I ordered pancakes, sausages, and eggs. Jacob ordered grilled cheese and hashbrowns. Joey ordered French toast and bacon. We ate and joked around.

"What time is it?" Jacob asked.

"It's...," I checked my phone, "5:20. We've been here for half an hour."

"Without your parents, Ms. Armstrong?" A voice called. I turned to see Matt and Foggy.

"Matt! Foggy!" I cheered happily as I climbed out of my seat next to Jacob.

I hugged Foggy, then I hugged Matt.

"Where's your dad?" Foggy asked, "And who are they?"

"Our parents are sleeping," I informed them, "My brothers, Joey and Jacob, wanted to spend time with me, so we snuck out."

"Your parents are gonna freak out once they wake up and notice you're gone, Lillie Joe," Matt said, "They're gonna think someone took you, again."

"Lillie, who are they?" Jacob asked me.

"These are my lawyers, Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson," I answered

"Your name is Foggy?" Joey asked him.

"It's actually Franklin, but Matt nicknamed me 'Foggy' back in college and it kinda stuck," Foggy answered.

"So... how long have you been practicing law?"

Matt and Foggy stood there silently for a couple of seconds, then Matt turned to Foggy and asked, "What time is it?"

"5:22," Foggy answered.

"About 7 hours," Matt answered Joey's previous question.

Jacob and I giggled, but Joey eyed them suspiciously, "Well, I think it's about time we move on." He said while standing up.

"It was nice meeting you, Mr. Murdock, and Mr. Nelson," Jacob said as he followed Joey to the diner doors.

"Nice to meet you, too, kid," Foggy called.

Matt turned to me, "Promise me one thing, Lillie."

"What's up, Matt?" I asked.

"After today, never sneak out of your house again. It's really dangerous out there, especially at nighttime."

"Okay, I promise."

"See you around, kid," Matt said as he and Foggy hugged me.

"Bye, guys!" I called then exited the diner and made my way to Joey's car.

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