chapter 1

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Beep beep beep

I wake up to hear the blaring sound of my alarm and my mum yelling at me to get up. I groan slowly, sitting up and regretting every life choice I've made. "Willow, get up now. You're going to be late!" my mum yells across the house.

I leave my room to go to the bathroom- still half asleep brushing my teeth. I do my hair and make-up and go put on my school uniform. Once I put on my skirt that reaches my thigh, top and tie, I walk downstairs to where my mum is sat on the couch eating toast.

"Morning Mum," I say while looking in the fridge to find something to eat. "Morning sweetie. When will Luca be here to pick you up?" she says, not looking away from the tv. Luca is my mum's best friend's son, and we have known each other our whole lives. "Uhm, probably like any minute now?" still looking for food, disappointedly, I give up and settle for the orange in the fruit bawl. I get out of my thoughts of the sound of knocking or... pounding on the door. Signalling to me that Luca is here.

I rush to put my shoes and socks on while saying goodbye to my mum and walk out the door. "Morning boo," Luca says in a cheery voice "Morning Luca", I sigh while hopping into his car. "Don't be so sad, we have two new teachers at school, and they are gorgeous." Luca does a small dance while saying that. "Oh? At least something interesting happens at this awful school" We listen to taylor swift for the rest of the car ride, singing our hearts out as we make our way to school.

When we get there, we hop out, and I find my way to Ava and Yoanna while Luca talks to his football friends. "Willow, we over here!" I hear the familiar voice of Ava. I turn around to see them laughing behind me. "Hi, guys!" I say cheerfully as we walk to my locker to put my bag away and get stuff for the first period, Maths. I hate maths so much, Ms Gamble so much. All she does is yell and yell. We hear the first bell ring, and Yoanna and I say goodbye to Ava and walk to maths. We sit down and start talking while waiting for her to arrive.

We hear the door open and slam shut, making all of us go silent. "Good morning, class. My name is Mr Russo, I'm going to be your new maths teacher as your old one left due to mental health reasons," he says in the sexiest voice I've ever heard while writing his name on the board. I look over to Yoanna who's already looking at me with a knowing look and her mouth wide open 'omg' she mouths to me I just nod my head and look back to the teacher who's doing roll call. "Willow Brewer?" I raise my hand and he looks at me for about 10 seconds before continuing.

"Can everyone please continue with whatever you did last class since I understand you're all at different stages yes?" hearing murmurs of yes and nodding he let everyone start. I took out my notebook and laptop and continued doing my work until I got stuck with a question. I looked over to Yoanna and asked if she knew what the answer was, she started helping until we heard a bang on the table, we both flinched at the sound "Why are you talking when you are clearly on different stages?" we heard mr Russo yell "I-I needed help with a question and she was helping me" I said quietly not liking being yelled at "you're a big girl right? big girls don't need help on the easiest question in the book!" he almost screamed, tears threatened to fall as everyone starts to snicker and laugh "I'm sorry" was all i could stutter out. "you're sorry? see me after class". I nodded, and he left us alone. I felt a tear fall down and quickly and roughly wiped it before anyone noticed. "I'm so sorry babes," Yoanna said beside me, I just nodded and tried to continue with the work.

When the bell for the next class rung I put everything away and made my way towards Mr Russo with my head hung low. "yes?" he said rudely while glaring at me. "you asked me to see you after class," I whispered, scared to get yelled at again. He stood up and closed the door, walking back to his chair and staring intently his green eyes looking into my dark brown ones. "your willow yes?" with a nod he continued "your teacher mentioned that you have a chronic illness and aren't able to show up to school much so you need extra support and tutoring. explain that to me." he said putting his elbows on the table and leaning onto his hands. I gulp not wanting to get into it all. "uhm around 3 years ago I started getting horrible pain in my stomach and last year I was diagnosed with a rare chronic illness which I would not like to say which one and physically can't go to school much, so I do need a tutor- not because I am dumb it's just because it's difficult for me to catch up when I'm only at school a few times a week. I round up still not wanting to go into detail.

Mr Russo nodded straightening up and clearing his throat "I can tutor you after school at my house. I will pick you up if you do not go to school that day, I do Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays." I lighten up as I have not been able to find a tutor that is willing to help me "thank you so much! how much do I need to pay you, I don't have much but i'll try and get the amount you need. I rush out looking at the time and needing to go to my next period. "you don't need to pay anything. i'll email you before the end of the day. You can go and I'll write you a note-" The phone on the wall behind his desk cuts him off before he could finish. he excused himself and answered it, "Alessandro Russo speaking. ... mhm no yes she is with me ... I was about to send her over, I just needed to talk to her. ... yes I know it's been 30 minutes ... no nothing like that i'll fill you in later ... see you mate bye." he puts the phone back and writes a note before folding it up and giving it to me and I left the room after thanking him.

I quickly grab my books for my next class, child development. I walk my way across campus and slowly open the door to see everyone working quietly, a few heads looking up when they hear the door open including a teacher who I don't recognise. he walks over to me, his 6'5 frame much like Mr Russo which towers over my 5'7 self. "I'm Mr Bianchi. You must be Willow right?" his voice has a slight accent and holds dominance, "yes sir, I'm sorry for being late I have a note from my teacher about it" I rush out scared of getting in trouble and hold the note out. 

he holds the notes out and says softy "I already spoke to your teacher, don't worry, find a seat and and the person next to you for notes" Surprised by the softness of his voice I nod and quickly find a seat next to Yoanna. she gives me her notes and we work together on what we needed to do. when the bell leaves we put our stuff away for break and continue the boring day without seeing Mr Russo and Mr Bianchi to my displeasure.

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