Dream Number 1: The Endless Pit

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I was dreaming about this weird place where there were tractors everywhere and as I was walking along suddenly I saw a huge pit that I could not see the bottom of. I almost fell off the edge but hardly had any time to stop myself. So that left me on the very edge of the pit then suddenly the part I was standing on fell! Then I was falling for about five seconds before I woke up. The End.

Dream number 2: Luke Skywalker: In this dream I was Luke Skywalker.  We (the light side) were marching out to battle the dark side. When we got there we were fighting the dark side and I was attacking the Emporer Palpatine. He kept on trying to turn me to the dark side by electracuting me and I kept on refusing but in the end I just gave in and joined the dark side. The End. Dream number three: chocolates and bullies: In this dream I was in this tent like place except it was HUGE and there were 5 bullies there. They would always call me names and never let me do anything fun. But then suddenly I appeared in this place and chocolate was EVERYWHERE!!! My favourite food is chocolate so I went crazy and started to eat all of it. But in this dream I was able to make a wish and it would happen so I wished three things wish one: I wished that I could be able to eat all the chocolate in the world and not get full. Second wish: iwished that the chocolate there would never run out. And wish three: I wished that I could eat all the chocolate in the world and not even gain an ounce. So I used these wishes for a while then I woke up. The End.

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