Chapter 15. The horrible truth

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*a few days after this incident, douma had noticed akaza again gone but didn't take much importance in it thinking that she probably went to visit her parents*

Akaza's pov:

I was walking in the forest at night as I suddenly saw a doughnut man.

???: Hi mam! I just wanted to say that it's not safe for you to be out here as demons lurk in these forest at night!

Akaza: demons? Pfft- sir I'm pretty sure they brainwashed you. Trust me! There's no such things as demons!

I said with confidence

???: *Sigh* suit your self mam. Have a good night! *He said while walking away*

Akaza: have a good night too! *Turns around and mumbles *they weren't wrong when they said people who look like doughnuts are stupid*

Akaza then went to a pond and serpent some time there watching the stars in the sky. She also played with the fishes in the pond and then got up and left to go back to the enteral paradise cult.

As soon as she reached she heard screaming..

It's problem just douma cheating on me again...*she thought while leaving but stopped in tracks as she heard the following words*


After that akaza panicked as the scream caught her attention and she slowly walked up to the as her hands shakingly opened the door. And to her horrer, there she saw douma eating Kotoha alive.

Douma turned his back at me as I looked at him in horrer.

Douma: you shouldn't have entered honey~....*he said in a dark tone* but I'll forgive you if you-

I ignored what he had to say and ran out of the temple as soyama chased me. I cried while panicking for my life. Kokushibou was gone for a mission so I was done for. I ran and ran until I reached a dead end. I tuned back in horrer and saw douma.

Douma: honey please I won't hurt you! *Douma said this time without using his usual tone.*

Instead I looked behind and saw the sun. I then jumped down the cliff



Hiii I know I'm late I'm writing but I'm also doing my past request 😭

Plusss I hope you guys like the story!


Im planning of remaking this story too as now that I look in the previous chapters. I want impressed so I might make a new book! Itll all be the same except for the story chapters since I would change when they meet and everything.

Anways thanks for bearing with me!

Have a good morning 🌄/ afternoon 🌅/ night 🌃

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