After that, they got into their positions and performed. Lights shining and music blasting... a large number of audiences were mesmerised and captivated by the idols. Indeed, they have successfully made good impressions and gained more publicity and fans.

The time they performed the three songs went by so quickly and unfortunately had to say goodbye to the grandest stage they've stood on yet.

"Yay! A success!" Tamaki jumped with joy.

"Onii-san's tired..."

As the group packed up their greenroom as they're done for the day, as they each would like to spend their time differently, they splitted up into smaller groups to explore the festival grounds- groups being Riku (and Umi) and Iori, Yamato, Mitsuki and Nagi, and lastly Sogo and Tamaki.

Riku and Iori planned to watch other groups perform and some from the other departments, while Yamato, Mitsuki and Nagi wanted to relax a bit by going to booths to get some drinks and snacks. Being the messy one, Tamaki took longer to finish packing his things which therefore made him and Sogo to leave after everyone else.

Sogo insisted that the others leave first actually. He said that he'd be with Tamaki so there's no need to worry and that they'll be fine. Luckily, he was prepared. Sogo had brought some Osama pudding with him to get Tamaki to listen to him.

"Osama pudding!" Tamaki savoured every bite of it.

Finally packed up, the two were on their way out of the venue but saw a familiar face.

"Oh- It's Ryuu-aniki," Tamaki noticed the tall figure down the hallway.

"Sogo-kun and Tamaki-kun! Good work out there," Ryuu smiled while greeting the duo.

"Tsunashi-san!" Sogo was frozen in shock.

While the pale haired male was unresponsive, Tamaki continued to casually chat with Ryuu, "Oh! Did you watch us perform?"

"I did! I could tell all of you have improved significantly!" The younger's eyes sparkled with happiness, receiving praise. Ryuu continued, "And the choreography fits the songs really well! Tamaki-kun, you're in the dance department, aren't you? So I'm assuming you're in charge of the choreography?"

"Yes sir!" Tamaki grinned from ear to ear.

"And you're in the composing department, aren't you, Sogo-kun?" Ryuu asked, "Do you compose the songs for IDOLiSH7? I've always loved your songs."

Sogo stuttered, "T-thank you for your generous praise! Yes, I'm mainly in charge of composing our songs, but I can't take all the credits..."

"Oh? Do you have someone else helping you?"


Seeing how Sogo is hesitating, Tamaki thought it wouldn't be much harm in answering Ryuu's question, "Rikkun's older brother helps proofread it!"

"T-tamaki-kun!" Sogo hissed, only loud enough for the sky blue hair boy to hear him.

"It's reassuring to have someone look over your work before finalising it," Ryuu nodded, oblivious about Sogo partly panicking, "I didn't know Riku-kun has an older brother. But I guess he has a 'little brother' atmosphere."

The three chatted for a little longer before Ryuu had to leave to take care of some other matters.


While some of the members are in a lecture or other compulsory activities they have to attend, Riku, Tamaki and Iori were free and lounging around the living room. The redhead actually just finished recording a new song for Terra. Their rooms may not be completely soundproof, but Riku makes a huge effort to soundproof his room the best he could using acoustic panels and foam.

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