"Don't worry, you should get some rest. I'll call you when breakfast is ready so have a rest on the couch."

Sogo did as he was told, practically dragging his feet on the ground.

Not long after, Iori entered the living room and saw Sogo practically passed out on the couch, raised an eyebrow, silently asking his brother what happened in hopes to not wake the older one up.

"Haha... trust me, I have my equal share of confusion. Do you mind waking the others up?"

Iori nodded and returned back to the hallway.

Before he could knock on Riku's door, the door already opened and Riku was surprised to see Iori in front of his room.

"Nii-san's almost done cooking breakfast. If you could, do you mind helping me wake the others too?"


The two successfully dragged Yamato and Nagi out to the living room, who were both still half awake. It did take effort from both teens to drag Tamaki out though. And when he did, his half-opened eyes saw Sogo.


The loud shout woke both Yamato and Nagi wide open, and also Sogo who sat up and greeted the others, "Ah, everyone's awake... Good morning..."

Yamato and Nagi too were surprised by the dark circle under Sogo's eye. Not as exaggerated as Tamaki's reaction though.

"Ghost? Ah, you mean Sogo-san? He still looks very alive to be a ghost though," Riku replied.

"W-what?! Rikkun knows what a ghost looks like?!" Tamaki screamed.

"Hmm..." Riku thought for a while, "Not ghosts per say, but I've seen spirits."

That caused an even louder scream from Tamaki. Poor Tamaki had to be calmed down before he could even think straight.

"Breakfast is ready!" Mitsuki yelled from the kitchen, gathering everyone's attention.

After their morning meal, Sogo stopped them from retreating to their rooms or the living room, wanting to show them something: IDOLiSH7's first song.

Everyone was in awe, though Sogo still had his doubts. It was also around this time Umi came out of Riku's room to look for him, wondering why his brother was taking so long.

"So this is why you looked so tired with all those bags under your eyes huh, Sou," Yamato teased.

"I got excited and couldn't help myself. Before I knew it, the sun was already up," Sogo scratched the back of his neck.

"This is amazing!" Nagi praised.

"Thank you for your kind words but I'm still not very confident with it. I wish there is someone who can help proof check it though..."

"Let's see..." Umi peaked over Sogo's shoulder and looked at the music score, "Hmm... not bad. I'd be more than happy to help with it."

Hearing that, Riku took it as a sign, "Actually, I know someone who might be able to help read over the sheet music if you want, Sogo-san."

"Really??? That'll be great, thank you!" Sogo smiled.

"Anyways, don't you have classes today, Sogo? How are you going to stay awake for the lecture when you're in this state?" Mitsuki raised a brow.

"I don't have any classes today so I'll be fine," he smiled in reply.

"If you didn't have any class today then why stay up late composing when you can do it today?" Iori sweatdropped.

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