Meeting the Joestars||PART TWO||

Start from the beginning

The woman stopped as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then breathed it out while opening her eyes. It seemed as if she was trying to concentrate. Her hands were bought in front of her chest as a golden light emitted from her palms.

"Veni.. puerum perditum reperi, hostes silvae. Sicut ego dominus dico uobis." she muttered as a small bubble of light appeared between her palms. The bubble of light started moving on it's own as it went to the left and then kept moving forward.  The witch followed the light as she tried not to step in the mud.

Soon they were in more of a field without trees as there was only a lake along with the grass  and flowers. At first the witch was confused, but then she saw her. She was sitting close to the lake while looking down at the fishes in it.

 There were two specific fishes she was looking at. There was one purely white fish with gorgeous long fins, it was swimming fast and jumping around, trying to keep up with the other fish. The other fish was purely black as it was kind of hard to see it in the dark, it also had nice fins but it was trying to swim away from the other fish. There were many other fishes between them but the white fish almost didn't seem to notice them as it kept it's attention on the black one.

"Y/n! Here you are!" the said girl turned around as her e/c eyes looked up at her mother. The three years old girl didn't know why her mother was angry at her so she just pointed towards the fishes.

"Look, mama!" The h/c haired girl said as she waited for her mothers reaction. The woman looked at the fishes and sighed, knowing that those fishes were around even when she herself was a child. 

"Do you like them?" Anne asked as she sat next to her daughter, bringing her to sit in her lap instead of the cold ground. Y/n rested in her mothers arms as she nodded her head.

"I do!" she beamed up and looked back at them. The two fishes kept their chase but soon the black one disappeared into the darkness of the deep lake, leaving the other one alone along with the others. The girl wondered what happened with the other fish as she then got an idea. She stood up in her mothers lap and looked at her.

"Mama! Can I swim with the fishes too?!" She asked with a childish laugh as she showed a toothy grin. The older woman smiled down at her child and nodded.

"Yes of course, dear. Tomorrow we'll start your swimming lessons!" the woman told the child as she picked her and stood up. "But for now we have to go home and gain some energy." Anne moved her hand in a specific motion the little girl couldn't understand and a  portal opened. In which one could see the kitchen of their house.

"Woohoo!" the little girl smiled as her mother stepped trough the portal and closed it behind herself.

Anne chuckled at her reaction as she set her down on the floor. Y/n giggled as she ran around and started gathering different types of food they had grew in the forest. Her mother just smiled as she started making her way towards the girl.

"Do you want to help mommy cook some dinner?" the black haired woman asked as the girl nodded with excitement.

"Yes! Momma can we please make that salad with lots of things?" the  girl said happily while looking up at her mother with her e/c eyes.

"Of course dear, here I'll let you wash those veggies for me!"  the amber eyed woman said as she used her telekinetic powers to move the vegetables over to the sink.

Y/n went to the sink and stepped up on a chair like thing that was made for her so that she could easily reach the sink. She ran the cold water as she started cleaning the vegetables, first she started with a cucumber which was followed by a tomato, after that she washed some onions along with carrots, potatoes and eggplants. The h/c girl turned to her mom with a smile as she raised her thumbs up with a smile.

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