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(Rain's mother)
Rain Wong Chen!! Get down and explain this to me! (angry voice)

W-what is it mom..

rains body is shaking because of fear. His family forces him to study because they want rain to be smart enough and not to be a dumb, as his family believe that it will make them feel embarrassed and probably will ruin their reputation.

(Rain's mother)
Don't act fool here  Wong Chen!

I'm sorry mom... I'm just tired  and it's hard for me to remember everything about my studies.

(rains mom)
Tired?!!? Tired of what?! your embarrassing our family I don't have a dumb child, I put you in private school so expensive, you have all you need all I want is just I high grades but this?!  This is what you return to me?? I'm sooo dissapointed on you!

Mom I always try my best keeping an eye on my studies. All my life I was stuck in a room reading a bunch of books. But mom ranking in second place is still high. I'm so sick of reading and studying but then you don't even see  the efforts I make? You know I don't want this! You're just forcing me to this. Do you know because of this I'd never had a true friend beside me because you always want me to compete with them?! I want a life without a pressure mom.

(rains mom)
Do you really want to have a fight with me  Wong Chen!! This is all for your future. You are the future CEO of our company so how can I trust you for handling our company if you're acting like that and telling me you're tired of studying!!

I don't want to be the future CEO of our company. I don't want to be part of this stupid company. You know what I want.
I WANT TO BE A PAINTER. Can't you see my talents in painting?. Or is it just you underestimate and even throw my paintings?! Yes mom... I know that you're taking my paintings and throw it and sometimes you even gave it to others without my permission. I don't want your   company keep it or give it to other hands.

Rain's mother slap him because of how he respond. rain was stunned and speechless because of what his  mom did. he touch her face and just sobb.

(rains mom)
Watch your mouth young man! Dont you know. Everything you eat and stuff you have comes from the company, even the house you're standing right now. If you don't want our company then I'll cut your allowance and kick you in this house!

You'll gonna do that to your own son?...

(rains mom)
Yes!! I will if your disobeying what I want and insulting our company. Fine I'll give you one more chance  but if you dissapoint me again don't expect me to look at you as my son.

Rain don't have any choice he nodded and just surrender his freedom and his dream
His mom left him crying in his room without any concern to his feelings
Rain was blaming everything to sky
And the revenge it starting..

I'll make your school year your most unforgettable moment in your life.
You'll regret competing with me.

                  - the end -
Spoiler:(prapai) I think that enough rain....

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