"coraline how much did you have to drink already?" my brother questioned while coming closer. "uh just a few shots." i said back "im coming to get another drink, im fine" i said. i dont think he said anything else, and if he did then i didn't hear it. 

i grabbed one of the red solo cups and poured whatever i found into in, i didn't want it to just be straight alcohol so i grabbed some spiked lemonade and poured it in. was is still jut basically alcohol, yes, but there was some lemonade in there its fine. i call this drink, the blackout potion.

when i was making my way back to the dance floor i paused before going into the crowd to see if i could spot isaac. it shouldnt be hard to spot him, hes tall and hes wearing bright pink. and sure enough i found him pretty easily, but he wasnt alone. he was with a girl. a short blonde girl, who is also wearing pink.

she is the complete opposite of me, im tallish and brunette. god i want to storm off and leave so bad, but im not gonna. i found this guys who was just hanging around. he was pretty cute, he was around isaacs height and he was blonde. so i started flirting with him before i asked him if he wanted to dance. he said that he would dance with me, and i chugged my drink before i danced with him, hoping the drink would kick in, so i can blame this on being extra drunk.

i grabbed his hand and pulled him through the crowd, and we ended up like two people away from isaac and the blonde skank. i purposely put us here so he could be able to see us. i didnt hesitate, i immediately started dancing with the guy, i dont even know his name, but that didnt stop me. lets just say there was no room for jesus with the type of dancing we were doing.

i was just waiting for isaac to see me, i wanted to see his face when he sees what im doing. after about five minutes, which felt like forever, isaac spotted me. his face dropped but then went to straight anger, it was kinda hot. hold up. thats the alchol talking.

he made he way over to me very quickly, like very quickly. he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the crowd, i was really hoping the guys weren't still in the kitchen, cause i dont want them to see this. isaac didnt stop walking when we came out of the crowd, he still had my arm in his hand, which let me say the veins on his hand were really popping and omg.

isaac had dragged me all the way upstairs and into an open room. grizzy had a big house for just him living in it. once he got me in the room he shut the door and locked it. it wasn't a bedroom, it looked like a storage room. flashbacks.

"what the hell were you doing out there." he said, anger just seeping out. "dancing" i said with the biggest 'i dont care' attitude i have ever had. "yeah dancing, actually grinding up against a random guy." he basically yelled. "i dont want to hear it, you were getting all touchy with fucking malibu barbie." i yelled back. isaac towering over me and yelling is really hot, but im just drunk.

"malibu barbie was getting touchy with me, i didnt want to touch her at all." he said. "bullshit! i saw you touching her, you fucking liar." i yelled. "yeah i touched her at first cause i thought she was you!" he yelled back. "isaac, im to fucking drunk for this conversation right now. i dont want to hear your bullshit." i said before turning to unlock the door to leave.

before i could even fully unlock the door isaac grabbed my wrist and turned me around, at this point my back was pressed up against the door and he was so close to my body, and he was looking down straight at me "coraline, its not bullshit. i dont want to be touching up another girl." he said, but more quietly this time, like he actually wanted me to hear what he was saying.

"isaac she was wearing a completely different dress and she was blonde. i dont belive you." i stated to him. "let me show you that im telling the truth then." before i could even say anything back he pressed his lips against mine. it was just a simple kiss, but when he pulled away he kept his face close to mine.

its like he is teasing me. i grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him back down. it wasn't just a simple kiss anymore, it got more heated by the second. one of my hands was tangled in his hair, while my other was still holding on to his collar. one of his hands was on my waist pushing me more against the door, his other hand caressing my face.

my hand had trailed down to his stomach, i could feel his abs through his shirt. i started to trace his abs through his shirt and while i did this he pushed me more against the door. i didn't think i could be any closer to the door but i kept getting proved wrong.

i pulled isaac closer to me when he pushed me against the door. our bodies were completely flush against eachother. his hands kept trailing up and down my waist, teasing me. i undid some of the buttons on his shirt so i could feel his abs. i undid them rather quickly only using one hand.

the more we kissed the closer we got and i got closer and closer to the door. after a bit i pushed him away. when we separated we both just completely realized what happened. he didnt look like he regretted it at all.

im definitely blaming this on the alcohol.

a/n- um so yeah

things might've got a little heated this chapter, oops. i like teasing you guys, its funny to see your reactions. anyways hoped you enjoyed this chapter, i sure did. and i know the stuff about like grizzys house and party stuff isnt true, but i just needed something for the chapter

have a great day!!!

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