The day they saw a goddess(my goddess)

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Cale who just woke up from the best sleep he has (I mean what could go wrong after having The best sleep ever "absolutely everything") he got up but felt something heavy on his chest just to look down and find two watermelon on his chest(don't take that seriously)immediately he ran to the bathroom to see a girl in the mirror that has cherry lips,pale face,red long hair that goes to his bum and his clothes showing his shoulders and almost his watermelons (you would think he's a goddess looking Like that)
A high pitched scream came from the bathroom And woke up the children and they came rushing into the bathroom
"Human what wrong-"
"Cale-nim what's wrong-"
Gasping came from the bathroom
"Human is that you"
"Wait that Cale-nim omg mo-Cale-nim you look pretty"on said
Ron,Choi Han,Rosalyn comes into the room headed to where Cale is
"What happened cale-nim-"
"Young master are you okay-"
"Cale are you okay-"
They turned to see a girl walking out the bathroom and so looked pretty just like Cale they hear the kids call her Cale-nim
"C-Cale-nim is that you"
"Are you okay young master-I mean young lady"
"How did you end up like this"
Cale turn to look at them
"I am wondering that too I mean i just woke up from the best sleep of my life"
Choi Han almost passed out form hearing Cales voice but hes blushing really hard from seeing Cale exposed and Rosalyn is thinking about how would cales heram be if they saw him-i mean her like this,while Ron is glaring at Choi Han because he's looking at Cale meanwhile Cale went back to looking in the mirror
"I'm so badass like I'm hot like I never imagined being a girl that looked so fucking good"
"Humans right you look fucking awesome"
"Mo-Cale-nim looks so pretty"
(Stops talking when roan said a cuse word cause y'all know who gonna appear, ya guessed right Goldie gramps appears)
"Unlucky. bastard"
"I-I can explain please chill"
"Wait unlucky bastard is that you"
"Yeah yeah"-
cliffhanger lol anyways I will be adding white star in the heram
May y'all fly high make sure you touch some grass I know some of y'all traumatized from other books and stuff

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