♤Up in Flames♤

Start from the beginning

“Don’t tell me any crap about how you are on a rescue mission to save me from the queen of the dead.” He spits out, his voice strained, maybe from the physical pain he is in. as I see his bloody gums, the scar across his left cheek, down to his jaw. I try to touch his face, but he moves it away.
“Yes.” I say simply with a shrug and he scoffs “ how convenient. “
“I’m not the bad guy here.” I tell him, trying to convince myself about the same thing but when in actual reality I am or I’m even worse.
“I see....” another scoff “so it’s Anika then.” The sheer and raw sarcasm in his tone breaks me to the bone but I don’t show it. I don’t show how utterly hurt I am by his words. His eyes move  around the room “I prefer this room to wherever you want to take me to.”

“Why?” I choke out, swallowing the bile that forms in my throat. The pain of his rejection affects me more than I anticipated it would. “Because its my reality. This? All this darkness and pain... I was born and raised in it. I don’t wish to escape my reality.... especially not with you.”

“She will kill you in here.” I whisper
“then let her.” He shouts, almost as if he is begging me to leave. Tears I’ve tried to banish to threaten to spill out of my eyes and the hate I see in his, is the ice breaker I needed to take the hint.
“I would rather die in the hands of Anika than live in yours. What is it you called me again?.... a dancer.” I take a step back, realising that Anika made her play, a play I wasn’t ready with a counter action plan. He continues. “A dancer forced to dance to the music of two most powerful women. A dance of lust, a pawn on the chessboard, ready to be sacrificed. “ He grits out, barely able to contain his rage. “you’re not a pawn. I care about you” under these distraught circumstances, I doubt these words will help. “Care?....” He croaks out, a little chuckle escaping from his full lips. “If this is what you call care then I don’t want it.” 

“I had no choice. What was I supposed to do when the odds were against me? Now it is my time to shout, my turn to make him listen to me. “She had you in slavery and I...”

"....And you bought me into yours” He cuts me off. I walk towards him, crouching to his level. “I can’t leave you here, and I can’t explain anything to you. “ I say as I start to untie him.
“Guys we need to leave. The timer is set” Cara says as she runs down the stairs. I nod and finish untying Ari. “Shit Evie, your boyfriend looks a mess” She says and I look at her over my shoulder....”A little help?” She runs over and we carry him through the back door of the basement.

As we step out into the light, I see Anika and her girls surrounding the building, waiting for us. I roll my eyes and sigh.
“Evie....Evie...Evie.” She mocks. “what exactly am I going to do with you and your little minions.” She looks at Cara and smiles. The smile of evil, a very powerful smile that will make anyone who doesn’t know any better, think she is in control.
“Trust me. You will let us walk out of here, alive and with escorts.” I give her my own smile and she laughs “oh really? .... And tell me why I would do that?” I let go of Ari and Cara holds on to him.
“One. Because I have that your trojan horse? The trump card you were hiding from the world....I happen to have eyes on her as we are speaking....one call, that’s all it takes to burn all this to the ground. Your legacy, your image, your throne. ” I see a slight change in her movements, she starts to look not so confident.....so I continue “And two. I have men everywhere, trust me, one shot at me and you will die.” I fold my hands across my chest and walk to stand directly in front of her, looking dead into her eyes. “Come on Anika, you and I know that killing me right now....is not advisable for you. So from one criminal to the other, don’t fight this.” She smirks and raises her hands to signal her women to drop the guns.

My men drive into the premises, breaking her steel gate and I give Ari to them as soon as the stop and get out of the car. I walk towards the car as well.
“Princess Evie!!!” she calls out “I hope you know how to hide. “
I stop and turn. “I’ve been doing it my whole life.” I smirk as Cara and I go to sit in our car and just then  there’s the explosion.
Cara picks up her machine gun, roll the windows of our car and starts a classic Cara shake down, killing most of Anika’s guards. Our car drives past the already destroyed steel gate, through the woods. Cara starts to laugh uncontrollably, shouting on top of her lungs. I see the pump of adrenaline in her eyes, the excitement of causing chaos as she sits by my side.
“Whoa!!! I should have taken a selfie and sent it to that bitch head Reginald.” She says few minutes after settling down. I give her a pointed look as she pouts. ”still in love with him?” I ask and she nods. Then we burst out.

And this is our normal. Two chaotic best friends loving each other and causing chaos doing it.

Heyyyyyy everyone!!!!! Sorry for the late updates, I've been busy trying to get a bachelor's degree y'all.
I'm finally off school duties and I'll have time to update more frequently.

I hope you loved this chapter.

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I love you all.byeeee

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