He looked at their house and like the world decided to torture him and rip his heart apart he saw the bodies of his family. The ones he ate with, the ones he slept with, the ones that he loved. Covered in blood.

He checked on all of their bodies and looked around and didn't see one noticeable person.

"Hitomi! Where are you?! Hitomi!" He yelled trying to get her attention if she was there. He checked around the house but there were no traces of her except a blood trail that led from the genkan (entryway) to the hall on the back leading outside in the back of the house. It looked like someone's blood trailed towards it then it was dragged back. Unfortunately Tanjiro couldn't tell if it was actually dragged towards the genkan or the back of the house. This caused the already panicking boy to spiral.

'Was she taken? I can't smell her anywhere. Her body isn't here! I can't even tell if this blood is hers or not. It's like her scent is completely gone! I have to go-' his thoughts were interrupted when he heard Nezuko groan.

She was still alive. Not taking the risk of her dying he picked her up and began running.


'My head hurts . . .'

Hitomi woke up with a small groan. She slowly made herself get up but jolted back down as a giant pain spread through her body the moment she got up. After catching her breath she looked around and didn't recognize the place. Her head was hazy but she knew enough that this wasn't the original place where she was found.

She was in a smaller room that had a small dresser and sliding door to her right. She was in a futon with a big blanket. She slowly moved her hands to feel her body and felt bandages wrapped around her torso and back but then I noticed that I was dressed in a light blue shirt and pants that had the buttons on the shirt exposed for visibility on the bandages.

She tried to remember how she got here but it was met with haziness and a very painful headache. She didn't even hear when the door slid open and the same stranger greeted her rather rudely.

"So finally got your beauty sleep? I figured you'd recover faster"

Hitomi just stared at him without saying anything. She felt super tense again since she has no idea who the man is and why she was here. Her head feeling really cloudy didn't help either.

He was holding a tray with a kettle and two tea cups. Judging from the steam coming from the kettle he just boiled that.

"Are you gonna say anything?" he said quickly, snapping her out of her trance.


"This is why I hate kids they're always so quiet around me"

"Why would I talk to a kidnapper? I don't know your name or where I am and I feel really weird and I don't remember what just happened . . . what was I saying again?" She questioned.

'Geez did I drop her too hard or was it the fact that he was there?' the man thought before he heavily sighed and fully entered the room, plopping right beside her on a mat that Hitomi didn't realize he put there and put the tray beside him.

"Well number one I am not a kidnapper in fact you should be thanking me for saving your life. Number two my name is Akio and you are at my home and number three you feel weird because you just experienced something that will take a while to overcome and I think it'll-"

"What are you talking about?" Hitomi asked, looking at him as if he said something really strange.

"You don't remember, do you?"

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