" he's some kind of immortal since he doesn't ages as normal people but there are ways to kill him. He has a weakness which is ice. Ice can either kill him or weaken him enough to kill him in other ways. " explained Yunho " Gajou has the ability of fire and wind and each time he causes harm in any way he gets stronger. But that's not enough for him.. in the legend is said that Gajou craved power which caused him to kill almost everyone who was close to him. He got stronger and his abilities caused more harm than ever but it was still not enough for him. Somehow he found out about the 'gift amulets'. These amulets give the one who wears them abilities. He went to search for them and apparently he already found some. After he fell back into his 1000 years of sleep were the amulets he collected taken away and hidden. There are still a lot of other amulets than the ones he had and he will search for them to gain more power than he already has "

" Does that mean that you and Mingi have amulets which gives you the abilities you have? " asked San

" No, some people are born with abilities. The amulets were made by people who were born with them and the amulets were supposed to be for protection. However the people who were given the amulets started wars. The amulets were taken away from them and every other person who owned one. They were hidden in many different places to make sure that nothing like that would ever happen again and soon the amulets were forgotten "

" so we basically have to find amulets before him and then we might have a chance to kill him? " asked Seonghwa

" yes but we should be looking for the ice amulet. It's the most important one to stop him. The next one which would be important would be the water amulet "

" Do you know where these amulets could be hidden? " asked Yeosang

" There are hints in this book. I would need some time to find them and think about what they could mean "

" then start looking for the hints. We need them as soon as possible "


2 days passed in which Yunho was working on finding some hints and the place where the amulets were.

Luckily he found out where one amulet was


" You found something?" Asked Hongjoong

" Actually yes. I found with a little research out where the water amulet is. Right now the noble nam family has it and in 2 days they have a party at their house. It's the perfect time to steal it " explained Yunho

" steal? Can't we ask them to give to us?" Asked Yeosang

" Do you expect them to just give it to us? And where's the fun in just asking them? "

" I feel like I have to agree to Yunho, they are very stubborn people and I'm very sure they know that the amulet is special. They wouldn't give it to us that easily and we need it as soon as possible " said Seonghwa

" But how exactly are we going to sneak into a house where a party is? " asked San

" It's easy " said Yunho

" Do you already have a plan? "Asked Jongho

" of course, I have 2 actually. The amulet is usually kept in a room that is on the other side of the house, however at special events Mrs. Nam often wears the amulet "

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