the beginning of love

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Ponyboy POV

It's been 1 week since I ran away. 1 week since since the fire at the church. 1 week since johnny and dally were let out of the hospital.

"Ponyboy, get up." Darry banged on my bed room door.

"I'm up jeez." Why didn't soda wake me up? He's always the one to wake me up in the morning. I get up slow and carefully. My ribs were still broken from me getting jumped by those damn soc and if I get up to fast a terrible pain runs though my body. I walk over to mine and soda's closet and pulls out a gray T-shirt and blue jeans with holes in the knee. I then walk down stairs and sees darry cooking breakfast. Were the hell is soda?

"How did u sleep kiddo?"

" okay i guess . Where's Sodapop?" I asked

"He stayed the night at Steve's again." Darry said and set a plate of eggs in front of me. This is the 3 night in a row that he stayed at Steve's . I ate my eggs not saying a word. That's until two-bit and johnny came in. I smiled as I seen Johnny walk in and smiles at me.

'Hey Curtis'." Two-bit said and get himself a plate of eggs. Johnny follows him.

"Hey what you guys doing today?" Darry asked putting a spoon full of eggs in his mouth.

" were probably stop at the DX then go to the drive-in." He said and smiles. " where's soda anyways?"

" with Steve." Darry got up and put his plate in the sink.

"Again!" Two-bit yelled. " something is going on with those two."

"Dose soda work today?" I ask.

"No him and Steve are off." Darry answers then walks to the living room. And grabs his bundle of roofing. " I'm working late tonight pony,so be home by 10. Ya dig ?"

"Yeah I dig."

"Good. See you late?"

" yeah,yeah. Don't work so much got it?" Darry smiles and walks out the door.

"So what do you want to do?" I turn to two-bit and johnny. Damn butterfly go away!

"Sorry to say this but I have a date-." I cut him off

"Let me guess some blonde girl you meet?" I ask annoyed

"Yup. See ya later."

I sigh and look at johnny. Lately he's the only person that's not busy. Soda's always working or with Steve. Dally is in the cooler darry is always working and two-bit always has a date.

"I miss soda." I sigh and sit in darry's chair "he's always with Steve Now a days."

" I need a smoke!" Johnny said and walks out. I was still in my own world when he came back in. He smelt like cigarette smoke which made me go in to a big cough fit. Did I forget to tell you I have asthma? Well I do. I had to quit smoking and track too.

" easy Ponyboy ." Johnny said and hands me my inhaler. It hurt to breath in with my ribs and it just hurts period. " breath in pony. I know it hurts but just do it."

I shake my head and hold my chest in complete pain. I hate this. I felt tears roll down my face.

" DALLY, HE'S HAVING A ATTACK." Johnny yelles making dally drops his smoke and rushes over to me.

'Come on kid. Breath out for me." Dally said and gives me my inhaler again. " call a ambulance Johnny." Jonny nobs and runs to the phone. By now I was probably turning purple. I felt really light headed. I tried to go sit on the couch but got dizzy and fall to the ground.

"PONYBOY!" was the last thing I heard before blacking out.

An hour later.

I woke up with a mask over my mouth giving me air. I breath in and man it felt so good.

" thank goodness your awake Ponyboy." Darry said and gave a sigh of relief.

"Where's Johnny?" I ask taking off the air mask .

"In the waiting room. He called and said you were in the hospital and it's his fault your in here."

"He smelt like smoke. But I just made it worse by not taking my inhaler when johnny and Dallas gave it to me."

" I'll go get him then I'll try to get a hold of soda again to tell him whats going on."

"Okay." Was all i could say. "Dose soda even care about me anymore?"

" of course he dose pony; he's just busy with Steve." Johnny said and sat next me " I'm sorry I put you on here pone."

"Its not your fault. Sometime the smallest size or smell of smoke makes me have a attack and me not taking my inhaler didn't help much." I laugh.

" your so stubborn Ponyboy Curtis." Johnny said. Do it now. It's now or never. I pull Johnny closer and crash our lips together. I felt a sparks fly and a smile creep over my face. Johnny pushes me off him and just looks at me.

"What the hell Ponyboy!" I could tell how confused poor Johnny was.

" J- Johnny i-I'm sorry." I studded. I try to reach out to him but he runs out the door tears running down his face.

Great now johnny hates me.


So what do you guys think so far should I do another chapter or leave it there?

Please let me know ☺

✝ stay gold ✝

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