Chapter 2: Unlike

Start from the beginning

Y/n's guard began to loosen, a fleeting smile gracing his lips as he met his father's gaze. "It's been a while, Father. I've missed our talks."

Eobard's smile held a mixture of nostalgia and longing. "As have I, Y/n. Our conversations have always been a highlight in this dreary place."

As they took their seats, Y/n's nervousness began to ebb, replaced by a sense of familiarity that settled between them. "There's something I need to tell you, Father," Y/n began, his voice steady yet tinged with urgency.

Eobard's gaze locked onto Y/n's, his curiosity piqued. "Go on, Y/n. I'm listening."

Y/n took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting a swirl of emotions as he recounted the events of that fateful night. He spoke of his late-night run, the blinding flashes, and the sensation of being transported through an otherworldly portal, chasing the figure. His words spilt forth, each sentence carrying the weight of his uncertainty and fear.

Eobard's expression shifted from curiosity to intrigue, his brows furrowing as he absorbed Y/n's account. "A portal, you say? That's a remarkable occurrence, Y/n. Tell me, what did you experience on the other side?"

Y/n's voice trembled slightly as he continued. "I saw visions, Father. Memories of you, of us. It was like every moment was woven together."

Eobard's eyes held a mixture of fascination and concern. "Visions, you say? The Speed Force is a realm of boundless possibilities, Y/n. It can reveal the past, present, and future in ways we may not fully comprehend." Eobard's voice held its familiar hushed tone as he smiled. "The figure though, who was it? Did you know?"

"He felt familiar but I wasn't sure who he was," Y/n began as he looked at the man in front of him. "I knew him but I didn't know him, does that even make sense?" He knew he must have sounded like a lunatic right now.

"More than you could ever imagine," Eobard's smile faltered for a moment as he rubbed his eyes before looking at his son once more.

Y/n nodded, his gaze never leaving Eobard's. "But what if... what if these visions are a glimpse of what could be? What if I'm destined to become... like you?"

Eobard's eyes softened, his voice carrying a soothing reassurance. "Y/n, destiny is not a fixed path. It is a tapestry of choices, actions, and consequences. Your future is shaped by your strength of character, the choices you make, and the legacy you choose to uphold."

Y/n's fearfulness was laid bare, his eyes searching his father's for answers. "I don't want to become a villain, Father. I don't want to become the next Reverse Flash."

Eobard leaned forward, his gaze unwavering as he met Y/n's with a profound conviction. "You are not fated to follow in my footsteps, Y/n. Your strength, and your compassion, they set you on a different course. I believe in you, in the goodness that resides within you."

Eobard's smile was tender, a reflection of his unwavering faith in his son. "Y/n, in our house, there is a secret room. A Nexus Chamber that holds the answers you seek. To find it, close your eyes, connect with the Speed Force, and let your instincts guide you."

Y/n's curiosity was piqued, his brows furrowing as he absorbed Eobard's words. "A secret room? What kind of answers can I find there?"

Eobard's voice was a steady echo, his words carrying a weight of importance. "Answers about our lineage, the mysteries of the Speed Force, and the legacy that connects our family to its currents. The Nexus Chamber will illuminate the truths that have remained hidden."

Y/n's heart quickened, a surge of anticipation coursing through him. "How do I access this room, Father?"

Eobard leaned in, his voice a soft yet commanding presence. "Close your eyes, Y/n. Reach deep within yourself, embrace your connection to the Speed Force, and let it guide you. The Nexus Chamber will respond to your presence."

Nexus: SpeedBound Redemption (A Nora West-Allen X Y/n Thawne) [Discontinued?!]Where stories live. Discover now