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Both of the teenagers thought about one another for a few days. Yet the girl also thought about her boyfriend Liam , who hasn't been answering any of her texts or calls.

The brown haired boy was looking forward to see the Piqué girl. After every match and every day he would admire her from far , he could actually be close with her.

Amaras POV

I needed to see if Liam was okay or was he just ignoring me. It was around 3pm and I put on my shoes and was about to leave when I felt someone wrap around my leg.

"No don't leave , you promised to bake cookies with me"

"I will after I come back, I romaine okay"

He let go off my leg as I lowered myself to his level and pointed my pinky. Me and my siblings take pinky promises seriously , well I do anyways.

He wrapped his little warm finger around mine and I planted a kiss on top of his head. He ran off to Milan as I walked out of the door , walking towards Liam's house.


I walked to the door nervously knocking on the front door , hoping he would answer it.

His mother opened the door and looked a little shocked to see me.

"Hola señora , is Liam here"

"Hola Julia y si he's upstairs , would you like to come in?"
Liam's mother


I walked up to his room and tried peeking through the gap of his slightly opened door. He was in his room playing on his PlayStation on his bed , like nothing ever happened.

I sighed and knocked on his door as I peeked my head through the gap.


"Hi. Come in , what are you doing here Julia?"

His tone wasn't mad or annoyed it was emotionless.

I sat down on the side of his bed as I looked at his covers not ready to look into his eyes.

"You weren't answering my calls or texts so I got worried"

I felt his hand on mine and I looked into his eyes , like he was in pain or angry?

"Oh yeah , my phone died and I couldn't find the charger"

Lie. He was on Instagram for the past week because I saw that he was active.

"Oh okay but are we okay?"

"Si why?"

"Well it seemed like you were ignoring me all week after Eric's house and the match"

"We'll ask your other boyfriend maybe"

"What other boyfriend?"

"I'm not stupid , there is something between you and Ale"

I didn't knowing how to react to this. He was angry and jealous because me and Ale are close friends.

"You know that me and Ale are friends since little. You really think I would date him?"

"Well you never know with Ale , that's what you said right?"

I was slowly trying to convince myself that he didn't say this but yet he did.

"You didn't see how he looked at you ir any of the other guys with that bikini on"

"Are you serious right now?"

He shrugged and continued to playing his game.

"You know what maybe your right"

He paused the game as I said those words and his face lit with anger.

"Well why wouldn't they? They have you wrapped around their finger already. Maybe your like their little slut when I'm not around"

"Fuck you"

"I asked you before and you said no"

Was he serious right now? Was I hearing this right?

I stood up from his bed while anger was boiling my blood.

"I can't believe you right now"

He looked at me like he was guilty. Now?

"Just text me when you grow up"

I left his door as I slammed it in his face because he tried to follow me. I saw his mother and father look at me from the kitchen looking worried.

"Is everything okay Julia?"
Liam's mother

Was I going to lie to his mother? Yes.

"Yeah everything's fine. Gracias for having me but I'm going to go now"

"Okay get home safe"
Liam's dad

Liam's mother

I smiled at them both and left the house. Why was he acting this way?

I walked home but then I felt tears form in my eyes.

Maybe Ale is right about Liam after all. What if I shouldn't be with Liam.

I don't want to believe anything at the moment as I walked home.


I stormed in and went into my room , that's when I started to cry a bit more. I was sitting up having my head against the head board and watching messaged float in my phone.

Mi chico 💗 & Querida💗

Julia I fucked up
I should've never said those words to you
Their not true I just feel like your better off without me because you seem happier with them
Can you please answer me?
Ik ur online
Julia please
Seen by querida💗

Please answer
Can we meet up ?
I want to talk to you
Fuck sake I can't loose you Jules
I love you
Seen by querida💗


I sat there waiting for his messages floating in , I saw the last message he sent me.

I love you.

Both of my brothers came in looking at me worried and climbed into my bed. They both cuddled up to me as a result to make me feel better because they saw the tears on my cheeks.

I put my phone away as I cuddled up to them as the message didn't leave my head.

He loves me?

After what he said that I'm a slut to them?

That was the first time we ever said that yet I felt like he didn't mean it. Not even close , not even a little.

I couldn't believe that he was mad about me being friends with the guys and now he loves me?

Was he joking around or being serious?

Whatever it was , I knew I had to meet up with him and talk things through.

Maybe after we talk it will be better

or worse.

End of chapter🫨

a/n : Kinda short chapter ig , right well love their relationship rn with him being a dick for no reason😘. Gotta have some drama and maybe ruin their relationship? I really want to start writing about Pablo and her. Does Liam actually love Julia? Was it going to be good or bad? Is she going to break up with him?

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