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A lavish looking black car drove away, becoming smaller and smaller as it went off in the distance.

A boy ran after the car with all his might, pushing himself past his limit and not caring about his breathing problems. But alas, his efforts were all in vain as he could no longer see the car.

"*cough* Tenn-nii...!"

The cold night breeze sent shivers down his spine. No matter how loud he yelled or how much he cried, his voice was never heard, "Tenn-nii! *cough* Don't leave me...!"

Nanase Riku, a cheerful young boy who unfortunately has asthma. When Riku was younger, he was healthy but as he grew older, they found out he had asthma. He has, had, an older brother, his beloved twin brother, Nanase Tenn. Ever since they were young, they were inseparable, or that's what they thought.

It was already dark outside when they noticed the black car pull up in front of the livehouse their parents own. Business has continued to go downhill and on this particular night, it was close too which confused the red head.

His brother insisted he check outside and told him to stay inside, but Riku was stubborn and followed him outside.

"Shall we go now, Tenn?" A man stepped out of the car.

Riku had a bad feeling and didn't like the man very much. He held on to his brother's hand but was let go of as his brother stepped forward and left with the man.

Despite desperately chasing after the car, he couldn't catch up and collapsed on the ground. His vision soon becomes a blur and darkens.


The next thing he knew, he was warm again but the familiar stench of the hospital was lingering. The constant beeping from the heart rate monitor confirmed his theory of being sent to the hospital again. When he opened his eyes, it was dark outside but he wasn't sure how long he had been unconscious for.

Aside from that, he could hear the soft whimpering of a foreign voice which would be unusual. Seeing as how it was already dark outside, visiting hours would've been over already so why was there someone here? Yet alone someone he doesn't know?

"...who...?" his hoarse voice prevented him from speaking fully, but he heard a gasp from the whimpering.

"Riku! I'm so glad you're alright... *sniffle*"

The young boy turned his head to his left, where he saw a young boy the same age as him, even looking quite alike to him except for his orange hair. The lights outside shone through the young boy's body, almost as if the boy was something unalive. But again this isn't some fantasy world they live in.

"Who...'s there...?" Riku reached out his hands in the boy's direction, which surprised the other as he wiped his tears away.

"You can... see me..." The boy's eyes were wide open, "But how is this possible? No... you're still very much alive but... ah."

Despite trying his best to keep his eyes open, Riku's heavy eyelids said otherwise. The red head slowly drifted into dreamland...

The next time he woke up again, the warm gentle rays of light were hitting his face.

Since he has been in and out of the hospital so frequently, he knew to call a doctor or nurse over if he woke up when he fell unconscious. Pressing the button, Riku waited while collecting his thoughts together.

Sure enough doctors came in and did checkups and tests to confirm the boy's condition was stable, and notified his parents that their son had awoken.

Both were glad and relieved to see their son was awake, but obviously he wasn't quite the same, "Mum... dad... where's Tenn-nii...?"

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