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"Mr Stark wants everyone in the meeting room" suddenly an unfamiliar voice spoke from the walls.

"Thats J.A.R.V.I.S" Wanda exclaimed as she stood up from the bed and reached her hand out for me to take. I smiled and took her hand. We left the room closing the door behind us, we walked into the elevator with one other person inside, they had long dark hair, light blue eyes, dressed all black, black jeans and a black leather jacket, they also had gloves on and stared into the door. I did the same until we reached the meeting room, Wanda sat me down beside her. The person sat down somewhere in the back.

"So we have a new person living in the compound" Stark spoke while stood in front of everyone. "Y/N" he pointed at me with his full palm while playing with his glasses in his other hand. "Please introduce yourself."

Everyone was starring at me, Wanda was giving me the You Got This look and I just smiled at her. I stood up and spoke "Well I'm Y/N Y/L/N, I'm 25 years old, uhm I just came here from Asgard a few hours ago, Loki is still here to help me with everything." Everyone looked at him, he was standing in the corner of the room with his 'earthy' clothes, he just smiled at everyone. "Well I think I should add the fact that I have like fire powers, but I cannot control them, that's why I'm wearing these gloves".

"Was Asgard not able to get you to stop burning shit? Is that why they sent you here? I bet Thor just gave up on you." The brunette from the elevator spoke up, I was glaring at him, until Loki literally slapped him.

"Don't you fucking dare talk about her like that. It's not her fault that my brother isn't that great of a... person. She's here because she wanted to leave Asgard and Tony was the only person known to us that can take care of her and her problems." Loki was stopped by a redhead woman next to him. I just stood there scared of what might happen. The brunette just rolled his eyes and left the room.

"Thats Bucky, or well James whichever fits you, and I'm Natasha, but you can call me Nat." The woman smiled at you and I sat back down in your chair.

"Okay so everyone else please introduce yourselves, not in the way that Barnes did."

"Steve" a guy stood up and shook my hand "don't worry about Buck, he will come around" I just smiled and another guy showed up right in front of me.

"Hi, I'm Clint, nice meeting you" I shook his hand too. Everyone was talking at this point, and after some time I knew who is who.

"Okay who is ready for a movie night?" Steve spoke, the sun was already setting, everyone agreed and started setting everything up, meanwhile I was in the balcony watching the sunset with Loki.

"You sure about this?" He looked at me concerned. And I just nodded. "Okay if you say so, but if Barnes does anything to you I'll end his life, just tell me okay?"

"Loki, I'm really thankful for you, I don't know what I would do without you. You're like my big brother."

"Thats is why I'm here today, I want to make sure my unofficial sister is fine here" he hugged me and I hugged him back "Okay, I have to go now, call me anytime, I trust Wanda will be your friend, captain isn't that bad either, Stark is pretty egoistic but everything should be alright. Goodbye Y/N." I smiled at him as he left me, Natasha came in when he left.

"You're up for a movie?"

"Will Barnes be there?"

"He's not really into these kinds of stuff, I think he'll be in his room or in the training room." She smiled and I followed her inside. There were a shit ton of snacks and drinks on the coffee table, I sat down between Nat and Wanda, we watched Pirates Of The Caribbean, I watched the first 3 parts until I fell asleep. When I woke up it was around 4am, Nat, Bruce, Clint and Sam asleep on the couch.

I couldn't sleep so I went to the kitchen, got myself a drink and went to the balcony and waited for the sunrise to come.

"Oh it's you" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to face him.

"Can I watch the sunrise in piece?" I asked and he just stared me in the eyes. "Barnes I'm not here for a fight so you can either leave me alone or watch the sunrise with me" he just walked to the other side of the balcony with a beer in hand he started into the horizon, not an emotion behind the eyes. I just looked back at the sky and waited for the sun to rise. It was quiet, no one was talking or yelling around me. I loved it.

As the sun rose I glanced at the soldier next to me, he was silent, starring to the front of us, he was in his black hoodie, gloves, and grey sweatpants. But still zero emotions. I stayed there until the sun rose fully. I left him there standing alone, I made myself a coffee and went to my room. I turned on the TV and asked J.A.R.V.I.S to help me find netflix on it. I was rewatching Total Drama Island for the millionth time. It was a great show, I drank my coffee and sat on my bed watching the TV series when Wanda walked into my room. Probably with the intention of waking me up.

"Oh you're awake! Great we're gonna go shopping today! Nat and Tony are waiting for us in the kitchen, go get ready!" She said and left me to change. I quickly put on a plain back t-shirt and some black cargo pants. Did my eyeliner and went to the kitchen, everyone was waiting for me there.

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