Did I hear that right? He wore the number 10 at La Masia?

There is multiple and thousands of boys in La Masia so it's not possible for it to be him. I got lost in my thoughts as always when I heard his voice , I could actually listen to his voice for ever.

"Are you okay Julia?"

"Me? Oh yeah I'm fine. I have to go but well done on the match you played really good"

I was walking backwards when I bumped into something. He was worried and confused why I reacted like this.

"Bye Pablo"


I waved him bye and went back to my seat where I could only fine Sofia and no sign of Liam. Maybe he went home? Or he went to the bathroom?

I asked Sofia about it but she just said he disappeared into thin air. She said that she didn't see where or when he left.


I was in my sitting room with both of my parents as we were watching a movie.

"How are you and Liam mi belleza?"

"Oh we're fine"

"Is he treating you right? Because if he's not I swear to god-"

"No we're all good papa"

I excused myself and walked off to my room because I felt guilty lying to my parents. The truth was I didn't know if me and Liam were good or anything about us.

These past few days he had been acting strange ever since we were at Eric's.

I was on my way to my room when i overheard my parents talking about me and , Liam?

"He ain't right for her amor and you know it"

"Why do you think so? I mean she is happy with him isn't she?"

"Something about his is off and I don't want him to break my daughters heart"

"If anything she would break his heart"

I chuckled a little at mi mamis words but yet maybe my papa was right about Liam. He has been getting distant from me for these past few days if not weeks.

I went up to Milan and Sasha who were on my bed watching a movie.

"Disculpe mi hermanos"

"Run Sasha"

They tried escaping my room when I tackled them down onto my bed and I started to tickle them both.

We all had a good laugh about it until they cuddled up to me and were slowly drifting off to sleep. I carried them both to their rooms and planting a kiss on their foreheads.

As I was leaving Milan's room I heard a few mumbled coming from him.

"Are you and Liam going to be together forever?"

I didn't know what to answer to that because I didn't know much about us at the moment.

"Why? Do you like him a lot of something?"

"He's nice but he doesn't seem so nice to you all the time and his friend doesn't seem nice either"

"What friend?"

"His friend on his phone. She doesn't seem that nice either"

"What was her name?"

No response. I guess he went to sleep and yet he left me worried and angry?

Is he cheating on me?

Was he using me for fame or something?

Who was this friend of his?

Is that why he's been so distant lately?

I went to shower and did my skincare to calm down and get ready for bed.

I had so many questions in my head when I remembered the little nameless boy and then Pablo?

Why now?

I was happy with Liam and I really liked him but if I liked him would I have the nameless boy and Pablo on my mind?

End of chapter🥸

a/n : I'm actually gonna smh against a wall cuz this is such a bad chapter honestly. I didn't have an idea of what to write too so here we are. Does Julia's feelings grown for Pablo or the nameless boy? Does she keep dating Liam? Does she find out who the boy is?

The nameless number 10Where stories live. Discover now