chapter 15.

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"I can't tell you over the phone. Can we meet up somewhere, please?"

Kayoung has been thinking about what he would want to discuss with her.
What would he possibly want to tell her that he can't tell her over the phone?

Her phone buzzes, making her check Heeseung's message that holds an address, one that hints at a fast food restaurant. She hesitates for a moment but eventually decides to get ready.

Rifling through her closet, she searches for something casual and alluring at the same time. The jeans and the casual top that always made her feel confident win the battle.

It took a few tries to get her hair just right, and a touch of makeup to enhance her features.
After half an hour she is ready and about to head out.

As she stands in front of the mirror, she wonders what this meeting could be about again before taking her car keys and heading out of the house.

Heeseung ruffles his hair, giving it that effortlessly messy flair. He throws on a black shirt before glancing at his reflection.

He contemplates how to bring up the conversation that's been on his mind.

Heeseung slips into his worn leather jacket, before exiting his apartment. Passing through the familiar streets, the fast-food joint's neon sign draws nearer.

He pushes open the door, and the staff greets him with a smile as he enters.
Heeseung claims a booth, leaning back against the cushioned seats.

He doesn't know how long he's going to have to wait since they had just planned to meet up as soon as possible.

About five minutes pass before Kayoung arrives, a blend of familiarity and tension in the air, and takes the seat across from him.

He notices her dolled-up appearance, a shift he can't ignore. Smirking, he says, "You look nice."

Kayoung, her cheeks flushing slightly, offers a small but genuine smile. "Thanks."

„What do you want to eat?", he asks, already raising his hand to get the waiter's attention. Kayoung takes a look at the menu before answering. „I'll have small fries and a Sprite."

He conveys her order to the waiter, and orders his usual, a cheeseburger with a coke.

As they are waiting on their food, Kayoung can't help but observe Heeseung.
His mysterious aura doesn't go unnoticed and she has a hard time trying to get a read on him.

Their orders arrive shortly after, and the atmosphere lightens slightly as they begin to eat.

He breaks the silence.
„Do you have a hangover from last night?"

Kayoung takes a sip from her drink while she nods her head. „I didn't go to school because of my hangover."

As the conversation continues, Kayoung can't help but wonder about the direction it is heading and what Heeseung is really after.

Summer has come to an end, and school is starting again. Heeseung sits on a bench beneath a towering tree. His feet rest on leaves of red, brown, and yellow, producing a satisfying crunch when he moves.

He takes in the moment - leaves gently falling from all directions, a mild breeze that's neither too cold nor too warm.

Glancing to his right, he spots a young couple on another bench. They appear to be enjoying themselves, engaged in cheerful conversation, smiles on their faces.

SCINTILLA. - lee heeseungजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें