Duncan yells, then looks at me with a fearful look. "No! No really Mal why would I lie to you buddy?" 

I push harder on his chest, making the weight from my foot unbearable. Duncan looked like he was struggling. "Hey, dude what's the matter? I didn't do anything! I swear!"

I look at him with a serious look. He really does think that I'm an idiot. Well, he's so very wrong. "Confess now, or I'll break your ribs." I say in a serious tone.

"Hell no! I don't have anything to confess!" Duncan replies.

I push so hard that you hear a few little crackles. Duncan yells. "NOW. I'm being serious. One last chance or say goodbye to your precious ribs."

"FINE, OK! SHE RAN THAT WAY!" Duncan points to his left. 

I release the pressure. He sighs in relief. "Good. Good day now." I then started to walk in the direction that he pointed to. I then realise there's two directions. I turned back to ask which direction, but Duncan was already gone. What am imbecile. I'll just have to test my luck...

Y/N's POV:

Oh no. Oh no no no. Mal is walking this way. This very way. Oh god. I stop hugging the tree as I walk backwards, stumbling a bit. I look behind me, turning myself in that direction. I looked left, and I decided that it was best to go that direction. I quickly run through that street, where I then realise that it's a neighbourhood. I saw two kids playing basketball on the driveway, someone walking their dog, and three girls, about 13, walking and talking together. I am still running, and I decided that since there's a little gap in between two houses, I could maybe go through there and jump a fence. Yes, I know, I can do that. So, I quickly ran in between the two houses... when I realised that on my right there was a kid and their dog. I gotta do this fast! 

I heard the dog barking, and the kid tried to get the dogs attention again. The dog started running towards me, so I quickly jumped the fence... and I failed. Just kidding! I successfully jumped the fence and ran right. I kept on running that direction until I got to a dead end. I cut through the forest and into another park, where there were tracks for trains. I run towards the swings, and I lean on the bar. I catch my breath. I've never run so fast in my whole life. 

I stayed there for about 15 minutes. I'm now laying on the ground, looking at the sky, still panting from that whole thing. Even if it wasn't so long, I still feel like I've run a mile. No, two miles. Oh forget it! ONE HUNDRED! 

I am still looking at the sky, realising that there's a big grey cloud above me. Great. It's going to rain. How lovely. But, I have been sweating... Never mind! Please rain!

While I was wishing for rain, I heard footsteps, walking closer and closer... I look to my left, and I see... MAL! Mal's here, right now! I quickly get up, and I start to walk backwards. 

"Shaky breath you have... are you scared?" Mal asks. He had a cold, low voice. I haven't heard that voice in such a long time. It sounded scary yet so mysterious...

"N-no! No! Just... keep your distance..." I back against a fence. I look to my right, and I notice a long but durable stick. I quickly grab it, and I point it to Mal. "Come closer and I'll hit you." I try to sound scary. Clearly, he was amused.

"With that flimsy thing? Oh please." He grabs the stick, and starts to bend it.

"What the... hell?" I tried to shake it out of your hand, but it continued to make crackle noises and was about to snap. But, I successfully shook it out of his hand, and hit him in the head hard with it.

Confusing Love (Mike/Mal x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz