Chapter 1 : Diagnosis

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(Year 2006)

"You are so weak, Utahime. Your life literally depends on me since you can't do anything on your own"

Gojo used to playfully mock Utahime just to see her hysteric reactions

Until the joke becomes not a joke anymore

Utahime is far from weak. Everybody knows that the lame weak gag is only Gojo messing around with her. Everyone is weaker than Gojo Satoru, apparently

But when Utahime frequently shows up at the infirmary, looking pale and tired, it leaves Shoko dumbfounded and worried. She will be fine after some rest but it has come to affect Utahime's performance in missions lately

And then Shoko notices another frequence in this adnormalities

Every time Utahime is stuck in sick bed, Gojo will come right after complaining how he almost died in his mission and then pleads Shoko to write him a sick note so he can skip class and rest at the infirmary

Shoko also realises that Gojo has hurt his arm and foot, the same parts where Utahime has been complaining about her pain

Shoko calls them both after confirming a few things

"Have you heard of 'Twin Flame Syndrome' before?"

The dumb and dumber blink at Shoko, no idea

"Twin flame refers to a deep connection between two souls. Some people believe one soul gets split into two bodies. But in medical, it's a condition when someone can feel other person's pain when they are hurt. Just like how Utahime-senpai gets adrenaline rush whenever Gojo is in danger"

"Wait, such thing actually exists?", Gojo scratches his nape

"Apparently, yes. Though it's rare"

"But- how am I specifically associated with Gojo?"

Shoko shrugs at Utahime's question

"We never know how the universe works. Just like how it chose us to become sorcerers, there are things that simply cannot be explained. But what I can be sure of, is that your life might really depend on Gojo, senpai"

"So basically what you mean is... Utahime and I are soulmates?"

"Gojo, it's not funny", Utahime glares

"I don't mind if we are", he chuckles

"Utahime-senpai is right. This actually could be something more serious than we thought", Shoko agrees

Gojo purses his lips boringly

"Is there cure for it? Something that can cut off the connection between me and Gojo"

"Hey! That's offensive. Do you hate me that much?", he whimpers childishly


"There is nothing to worry about. I am strong, I will not get myself in trouble, let alone getting hurt", Gojo stands up from his chair, hands shoved into both pockets. "Rest easy, Utahime. You will soon find this soul connection as a blessing instead of a burden", he spews with so much arrogance before turning on his heels and leave the room

"Gosh, does he ever take things seriously?", Shoko sighs, face-palming

"Well, uhm— Shoko?"

"Yes? Do you have any question, senpai? You can ask. It's your body too, you know", she encourages

"Well, I'm just curious how far the connection between me and Gojo could be. Is it dangerous for my health? You see, I frequently get sick to the point it affects my missions"

"I understand your concern. But we do not know exactly how deep the connection is, since it is not something we can trace with medical equipments"

"I see. Uhm—", she squeezes her hands together, biting her lip

Shoko holds out to Utahime, stroking her cold hands with her own. "Are you worried about yourself, senpai? That you might get hurt because of Gojo?"

"Actually.. not me. I'm worried about Gojo"

Shoko lifts a brow. "Why are you worried about him instead?"

"You know Gojo may be fussy some times, but he really cares about people around him. He thought he should do all the work for being the strongest"

Shoko nods, agreeing

"If Gojo gets just a slight idea that my condition worsens, he might be reluctant to carry out his own missions. I don't want that. I don't want Gojo to hold back because of me. He has a lot of responsibilities for his age, I cannot be another burden", Utahime shifts to face Shoko. "Can you do me a favour?"

"What is it?"

"If my health worsens, don't tell Gojo about it"

"But senpai, how can I possible not? He will definitely ask about you"

"Just tell him I get slight fever or cold. He will believe that if you told him"

Shoko clicks her tongue, not liking the idea at all. "I can only comply when your condition is not life-threatening"

"That will do", she smiles. "Thanks Shoko"


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