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Oh dear Aphrodite, this day finally came! I still can't believe it, oh my God I'm so nervous. Hope the luck of Fortune be with me when I meet him. I never met anyone before, this is all because my stupid sister's idea who asked me to put my beautiful picture into a dating app that can easily get someone to take us on a date. But, stupidly I just followed her suggestions and now I need to responsible for this kind of act. Oh dear Goddess, Hope Athena won't curse me again after what she did hundreds years ago on her Temple.

I looked over and over again, hearing all the babies above my head writhing around here and there with a loud hissing sound. I tried to shut them but my sister came and laughing at me when I'm changing one dress to another. She lean on the door and giggled at me when I took a long light blue sky beach dress and I wear, while gazing upon my Golden mirror, the same mirror that I used when I'm gazing myself on Athena's Temple long long time ago. At first I smiled and love myself when I saw myself wearing that kind of dress.

"You look gorgeous with that, Med" Said my sister who have the same snaky hair like me, and she giggled while approaching me.

"Oh shut up! This is all your idea, Euryale..! I'm not supposed to be like this.." I replied and her laugh become Louder and Louder, even make the house shaking, and looking at her. "Knock it off! You can destroy our fifty house! If Stheno know, she definitely will chop your head off!" I continued.

"Take it easy, she won't.. beside I won't destroy this house again, I love this house actually, full of neighborhood and yeah they're blind, so they didn't know what we are.. splendid right ?" She replied and I just rolled her eyes.

I look one more time into the mirror and then I smiled and sighed happily. Then turn to Euryale with a wide smile.

"Hmm.. what should I do with these ?" I asked her while pointing my hair that full of hissing snakes. They writhing all over my head, going here and there makes me so done with them.

"Hmm.. let's see.." Replied Euryale while looking over my wardrobe and try to find a big beach hat that can cover my head along with those snakes on it, and she gave it to me while smiling, "Try this, cover them with this.. just make sure you use your glasses and don't let the hat got blow away from your head, or everyone will know who you are.. understand ?" Continue Euryale with a giggle.

Again and again I just rolled my eyes and then I put the hat above my head and took the black glasses beside the mirror and smiled to my own reflection.

"My my.. what a beauty face! I love me, now I'm ready!" I said happily and take my bag then go away from Euryale with a giggle.


I walked with pride and joy along the way to Cafe that me and my date are settled to meet for out first time. Well, to be honest I'm still nervous with what will coming next but I tried to let it chill for some reason, perhaps this is the time that I can finally have a splendid ending of love and anything that I could ever asked for.

I never been in a relationship before, but very unfortunate the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena already cursed upon me to become a hideous looking like this. Even though, she makes me look like a monster, she still good at me and not makes me and my sister, Euryale and Stheno have a feet of snake body only a long nails, glowing eyes along with hairy snakes. But this already disaster for me! I've changed many people to stone, even when they're just trying to talk to me but thank God, with the bless of Fortuna, I can prevent them from turning into stone by wearing this black glasses. Hope this curse will not hold me to find true love that I've been dreaming since old time.

I walked under the sun while smiling to everyone that passed me and they praise me of how beautiful I am, and how white my skin is. I could be more proud than ever with all those praise addressed to me. Well, what could go wrong to become beauty ? Yeah, beauty is pain but having this curse already destroyed me and separate me from dream that I've ever wish to have.

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