I looked through a few of the alleyways... and guess who I find? Duncan, spray painting away in an alleyway. You though you were clever, but I always think ahead.

"Hello, Duncan. Long time no see?" I say to him. He jumps a bit, making a line across the thing he was making.

"AH! Jeez, Mike, you scared me... wait, that's not how Mike speaks... could it be...?" Duncan says with a bit of fear in his voice.

"Your not so dumb as you look. Yes, it's me." I reply.

"That's... But that's impossible! No way your back, dude. You were gone for good..."

"Well, you're wrong. You've always been wrong." I walk a bit closer to him, so there's less of a shadow peering over me. I wanted him to see me nice and clear. Now, he could see my grin. Even though Duncan was a tad bit taller than me, he still seems scared. How pathetic.

"Hey, back off! Back off or I'll spray you!" Duncan shouts. Ignoring his words, I walk closer to him. "Hey I said back off!" Duncan then let go of his spray paint bottle, as it rolled on the bumpy concrete floor, and into a corner. I grabbed Duncan's wrist. Duncan looked at his wrist, scared.

"Are you scared?" I tighten my grip.

"N...no! I'm not scared!" Duncan tries to punch me, but I grab his fist and I turn it the other way. He struggles. "Oh... ok! Just let go! I won't punch you! I promise!"

I let go.

"Thank the Lord... ok, listen dude, what do you want?" Duncan asks.

"Well..." I put my hands in my pocket. "I would like to ask you... a question."

"What is it...?" Duncan seemed hesitant to listen.

"Well... do you know... a certain someone named Y/N?"

Duncan widens his eyes. "Y...yeah. At the antique shop. She works there."

"Tell me more."

Duncan looks around, then at the spray paint bottle that is backed against the corner. He turns back to me. "Ok... well, all I know is that she works at (antique store name)... And, uh, she lives around here. That's it! She only saw me when we took a photo together, and only talked to me when I was shopping at the antique store she works in. That's entirely it. 

"That's enough information for me." I say, then I start to walk off. 

"Hey, aren't you going to say thank you!?"

I stopped to look back at Duncan. "Are you five or something? No. Suck it up." I start to walk back into the pouring rain. The shadow came back once again, making me look quite scary.

"Next time, don't scare me like that... jeez..." He then continued to spray paint, as I heard from the sounds. I walk off and back home again. I'll see if this is true myself...

(6 hours later)

Y/N's POV:

I woke up on time! Yes! Ok, since I woke up on time, now I'm happy. Thank you body, thank you! I'd kiss you if I could! Ok, I'm not that weird, but you know... yay! 

I quickly changed from being in a bathrobe into my usual work clothes, quickly filled up my water bottle, and I got my usual things. Keys, wallet, you know already! I raced out the door at 7:14, and I quickly went to Starbucks. I got myself a coffee and a (food) and I got out the door super fast. by the time I got out, it was 7:26! I speed-walked all the way to work, and by the time I got there, it was... closed? Huh? And that's when I checked what day it was. It was a fricking  SATURDAY! I told myself that I'll look for jobs on the weekend! It's the weekend! Shoot, dude! I woke up early for nothing! But, at least I have food. You know, maybe I'll go back to Starbucks to get something else.

I got back to Starbucks. I ordered (food), and I sat down. I get a text from Mike afterwards.


Mike_01: Hey Y/N!

Y/N: oh hey :D

Mike_01: I was wondering if maybe you wanna meet up at the park today! Also... isn't it a Saturday? You should be sleeping instead of staying up.

Y/N: i thought it was a work day without checking the calendar, so now im awake eating at starbucks lmao

Mike_01: 🤣🤣🤣

Y/N: why do u be like that 😭

Mike_01: I just am. 

Y/N: wow. ok.

Mike_01: Well anyways, are we cool to chill at the park? Since your awake, then should we do it in like an hour? 

Y/N: i totally forgot that you asked lol but sure ofc

Mike_01: Alright! We're set! See you there!

Y/N: thank you :D 

Y/N: adios



No, thank you, Y/N. Hehehe.... this'll be fun.

(WC: 1393)

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