Johnny Depp #1

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I had just gotten up for work I didn't want to work today but I had to

I'm a tattoo artist I love to draw with my husband when we have the time to be alone

I looked over at him, he was already awake and cuddled up to me

" good morning baby" he said " hello" I said in a very weak voice, I didn't feel the greatest today

I think I have the flu it has been going around a lot recently

" you ok baby"  johnny had asked me

" no" I said, feeling sick.

" you look terrible love"

" I feel sick Johnny"

I knew johnny very will, seeing we have been married for 5 years, but also knowing Johnny he's going to try and stay home and take care of me all day

And I don't want him staying home with me he's already done enough for me

" you feel hot love, let me take your temperature love" he said, before I could argue back to him he had already left

He comes back a few seconds later with the phenomtero and puts it up to my head to take my temperature

" Wow love, a 107 you really need to stay home today" he said

" no I can't I have to many clients today" I said which wasn't really true I just know if I did stay home he would stay home to

And I didn't want to him to stay home with me because he needs to work and is do I

" yes yes you do, I'll call your manager and tell him you can't come in cause your sick" he said

" no please don't I can go in and work today"

" I'm already calling them" he said

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Once he had gotten off the phone he came and snuggled up to me

" also already called my boss to stay home to" he said

" no please don't do that johnny, you've already done enough for me please you can do in to work" I said

" love don't argue with me, plus I want it take care of you, ok love?"

" ok"

" good, now I'm gonna go make you something to eat and then we can go to back to bed"

" ok"

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A few minutes had past and he brought me back some soup

" thank you" I said

" if course love"

" you know you didn't have to do this for me today" i said

" if course I have to love, I love and I wanna take care of you" he said

" ok, I love you"

" I love you to" he said

After I finished eating we watched a little bit of some cartoons and I fell asleep

I ended up waking up again a few hours later, and me and him ended up watching a few more cartoons

And he brought me something to eat again

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After we finished eating we just sat there and watched more cartoons

Good to say this was one of those good sick days

Mainly because I got to spend it with my husband and cuddled with him.

Johnny Depp one shots [ Request Open]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz