😭Tyunning- Working on a Cure

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He had the frozen flaming arrows in his storage unit. Those had the capability of piercing dragon scales but getting a critical shot was another challenge. What most likely would happen is he would end up enraging a dragon with a poor shot versus killing it. "How can I trust that you can kill one?"

"I've been around them my whole life." The woman pulled out her necklace from her dress. A shiny black dragon scale was revealed on the piece of string.

Taehyun knew it was real when the sunlight hit it. The edges of the scale almost glowed of fire. That wasn't replicable.

Kai saw the scale from the roof top. He wondered how the hell that woman got that. Now there wasn't any doubt they knew each other. It was just trying to figure out how.

The woman was getting impatient. "Do we have a deal or not?"

Taehyun accepted. He agreed to tell her where Kai lived. He said nothing about warning him first. The woman left the plant on the table. They agreed to meet later that night. Taehyun hung around for a few more hours to sell more things. His favorite trade of the day was receiving more arrows for one of his growth drops. The gentlemen was very short. His growth drops would make him three inches taller.

Kai saw his friend packing up. He figured he was going home for the night so that's where he headed. Only he and his friends were allowed inside. It was a hidden hobbit house in a hill. Taehyun put a vision spell around it after he was robbed. Normal people saw a pile of dirt. Kai saw a circular window and an arched wooden door. He went inside, descended the stairs, and waited.

Taehyun came home to see Kai sitting in the fireplace. Embers surrounded his legs as he played with the flames. He looked happy. "Hey. I was actually just about to look for you."

"Beat you to it I guess. You don't have more wood do you? The fire is starting to die."

Taehyun grabbed two logs and tossed it to his friend. "You don't know any women do you?"

Kai placed the two logs on either side of him. The increased flames kissed his thighs. His skin didn't burn. It never did. The warmth felt heavenly as the smoke rose to his face. "Not personally. I wanted to talk to you about Soobin though. Beomgyu and Yeonjun trust him but I can't. I just want to know if he's trying to kill me."

"You want me to drug him or something?"

"Only if you want to. You've always been a good judge of character. I just wanted to know if I'm in danger." Kai stepped out of the flames. One of the coals fell out with him. He picked it up with his bare hand and tossed it back into the fireplace.

Taehyun made himself some food. "I'm kind of going on a trip soon. Can it wait?"

"Please meet him now! It won't take long!"

"Sure. Just give me a second to eat."

When Taehyun was done eating, Kai kneeled down to give him a piggyback ride. He ran after his friend hopped on. The cottage came into view. Soobin was fencing with Yeonjun while Beomgyu was giving him pointers from the sideline. They turned to face the two who just arrived. Soobin ran up to Kai yelling "you're home! I was so worried about you!"

Kai pushed him away.

Yeonjun told Soobin to give him some time.

Taehyun introduced himself. "Hi. Can we talk for a second?"

Kai watched the two talk from a distance. Beomgyu told him Soobin was harmless but he refused to believe it until it came out of Taehyun's mouth. Soobin could go to hell for all he cared. Saving his life was a mistake.

Taehyun came back to talk to Kai. "He's perfectly fine. I don't think you need to be worried."

"Fine. Where are you going though? I barely see you as it is! I miss you."

"I'm trying to cure you. Once you're cured, you won't have to hide anymore."

"Really?!" He hugged him tightly while jumping up and down. "Thank you Taehyunnie!"

"I don't think you have to worry about him hurting you. As a matter of fact, I think he would be the last person to." He briefly winked before turning around.

Kai watched him make a portal. They waved goodbye as Taehyun stepped into it. Who knows how long it would be before they saw each other again? He felt Soobin hug him from behind. Even though he got Taehyun's approval, he still hated the guy. Kai turned around to go straight to bed. He warned "don't follow me Soobin!"

Taehyun arrived back in the alley. The woman was waiting for him at the table. She smiled upon seeing him. "I'm glad you came! I was starting to think you wouldn't."

"I need that heart. Didn't really have a choice."

"Grab your arrows then. We have a long journey ahead of us."

Taehyun grabbed all of the arrows in his storage. He looked at the woman's face again. She looked familiar. He looked at the side of her neck. She had the same mole pattern as Kai did. "Oh my god!"


"Are you Kai's mother?"

The woman smiled. "I am. Let's go cure my son."

Short Stories- Kai ships only!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن