1:Previously on/Nora's niece/Bathtime for starbox/Brainy and the pink/word world

Start from the beginning

"Not that easy is it?" Asked Nora.

The Warners collapsed again.

"No! It's not.." said Yakko.

"Now you know how I feel with you guys constantly being Zany ALL DAY!" Said Nora becoming angry.

"Ohhh... so this was a lesson to give us a taste of our own medicine!" Yakko said putting everything together.

"I don't get it." Said Wakko.

"Yeah me neither." Dot said.

"We aren't that crazy!" Said Yakko with a grin.

Nora took a deep breath to calm herself down. "Anyway I hope with this information you will finally leave Warner brothers alone?" She asked hopefully.

"NOPE!" Yakko said exchanging glances with his sibs.

"Boingy boingy boingy!" They called as they boinged out of the office building.

"They're going to be like this forever aren't they?" Nora asked the fourth wall. 


𖣔𑁍Bathtime for Starbox𑁍𖣔

*theme song*

Cindy is currently hopping around in her bedroom while Starbox is trying to climb up the curtain to get to the window. Cindy begins to sing...

"La la la, la la la la!" She danced around her room with her favourite dolly. "I like dancing! Dancing dancing.. woah!" She tripped and fell onto the floor. "Oops!" She said then noticing a miniature bath towel. 

"It's bathtime little buddy!" She called out to Starbox.

Starbox immediately started to scurry up the curtain faster when-

"Gotcha!" She said then giggling. She began to take Starbox to... the bathroom!

She had done this before... it was a nightmare! 

Starbox began to squirm some more but Cindy of course just ignored it.

She placed him on the side of the tub and started the water. She didn't know how to turn it on hot water so she just left it on cold. 

Starbox watched as she left the room, now was his chance!! He sat up backed up still on the side of the tub and ran towards the window until... there must have been water because he slipped and fell into the tub. He groaned. 

He started to try and run out of the tub but he kept slipping and falling. Suddenly his  communication device rang.. 

oh no it was his boss!

He answered and began to speak gibberish 


"Where are you?" Asked his boss.

"Uhm... it doesn't look like what you think, I swear!" Cried Starbox.

"Are you in the bathtub? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TAKING A BATH NOW?" His boss replied

He then heard a familiar giggle.

"Uhh.. gotta go bye!" He said,  hanging up

Cindy was there and she had the soap and his little towel.

"AHHHH!" He screamed. Not again! He thought.

She grabbed him, took a bar of soap and just started to vigorously scrub.

He screamed! 

Then Cindy dipped him into the cold water to rinse him and then dried him off quite violently.

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