Another scream pierces the air. The vampire dislikes the helplessness and dread resonating in it.
The black silhouettes, which he counts to be more than three, disappear between the trees.

And seconds later he smells it.


Inhaling a deep breath of air and metal, he knows that was the last sound the human probably let out. The scent grows stronger at an alarming speed, which only tells the vampire that they aren't bleeding out naturally. Someone is sucking them out dry.
Yeosang slides his tongue over his aching teeth in a form of comfort. He isn't hungry.
A floorboard creaks behind him, in the library that seems not so deserted anymore.

He turns slowly and with no alertness since the unwelcome guest could only be a vampire.
His light grey, cloud-like eyes meet with dark orbs resembling a storm. Both males stand unmoving for a while, the smell of fresh blood entering through the open window, yet it seems like they could hold the inner thirst in.

Yeosang is looking at a male slightly taller than himself with blond hair and high cheekbones. His features are beautiful, and the black-haired vampire thinks that even if he knows he wasn't lacking in any way either.
"Do you know that our own kin just killed a human in the woods?"

The blond male lets Yeosang's low timbre settle down between them and disappear before answering.
"Judging by the smell, it seems very likely."
"We are not allowed to look for food among the students here."
"Perhaps you should say it to the five of them, not me?"
The male turns back to accompany the five black dots with his eyes as they begin walking back to the Academy.

"Do you know who they are?"
"No and I have no plans on finding that out." The blond vampire answers.
"Not a gram of sympathy in your system?" Yeosang asks. He can feel the coldness from the other's nonchalance slowly surrounding his frame.
"It's none of our business."
From one side, the male agrees with that statement but from the other, he has no intentions of making this year harder for himself just because some of his distant relatives cannot hold the urge for blood in.

"I wouldn't have taken you for such a heartless creature. "
The other chuckles.

"Like looking in the mirror, isn't it?"

Yeosang's eyes narrow as he watches the blond vampire turning around and walking to the exit. There is no sound of the doors opening or closing.
The black-haired male sighs at the feeling of coldness retreating from wherever it came from.
He turns to the window again. The air smells of grass, forest and that refreshing nothingness that is the water. No signs of anything out of place yet the knowledge of a corpse in the forest so close to the school grounds unsettles the vampire.

He wishes for no problems and risks but looks like he is one of the rare ones of his breed that thinks that way.
His gut feeling, though forgotten since his senses have sharpened, tells him to mind his step and thought process. Shaking his head, Yeosang decides to close the window.

Enough cold air has entered the library already.

He takes the old book and places it in its place. The huge shelves are identical, but the male knows how to find his way out. The old library doors shut behind him.
The vampire walks up the stairs to get to the dorms. At this time of the night no one is awake but even if they were – none ventured out of their rooms.

Yeosang stops by one of the many doors. He listens to the sounds coming from the other side.
Soft breathing with heavy exhales graces his ears, making him smile.

Hongjoong is getting a good night's sleep.

Moving away to not somehow disturb his light sleeper of a friend, he enters his own room. Light has no use here for him, yet he is thankful that the Academy allowed electricity in some parts of the building. It helps him not get bored out of his mind.
Yeosang takes the black laptop from his desk and sits down on the sturdy mattress. He dislikes sleeping while feeling as if he was doing it on clouds.
His back isn't used to something so soft.

The vampire turns on the device, staring at his door while it does all the spiralling and rotating on the screen.
He thinks about tomorrow and what it would bring with it. Specifically, the news of the dead person. They probably were a new student arriving at night due to the excitement of passing the exam or perhaps they rushed here since they finally got a place to stay in. Many had cases just like that only they didn't end dead.

Yeosang didn't notice the laptop ready for his next command as he zoned out again.
That was how the morning arose behind him with its light casting shadows to fall over him from the window.

Chilly and bright enough to show what had happened in the moonless hours while a dark mind had been in charge.  

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