a toddler and a bad fall

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As the month's went by I was still doing my job but I could say this taking a hard landing on the mat of the ring never got easier it would always hurt. I was sitting in the locker room with the guys I worked with playing with my son and signs I was just a hard working shell of who I used to be nobody really knows what demon's I had built up inside my head.

Randy:* signs and watches Jeff with his son and goes back to what I was doing and grabs a rattle out of my bag since the little guy was only maybe five months old and walks over to Jeff I knew he was struggling to pay bills and keep food on the table for the both of them so he couldn't afford to get the kid Toys* here man it'll keep him busy while you get ready for your match

Jeff:* laughs and smiles* thanks man I appreciate it but you didn't have to give up one of your kids Toys for my son

Randy: eh don't worry about it they've got tons of toys they don't mind giving up a couple now and then names Randy Randy Orton

Jeff: Jeff Hardy* grabs my duffle bag and quickly goes to get changed and do my face paint but my son started crying cause he couldn't see me*

Rey:* smiles and picks up his son and keeps him busy so he didn't have to be late I was making his son laugh*

Jeff:* comes back out after finishing my face paint confused and smiles* buddy did you make friends with rey Mysterio

Rey:* chuckles* I love kids I couldn't help it

Jeff: don't you have two of your own?

Rey: yes I do a daughter and a son aalyah and Dominic and I'm about ready to kick my son in the butt he keeps taking off with my wrestling Boots

Jeff: oh that's gotta be fun to deal with as a father

Rey: eh it's funny until I have to go into the ring then I try to keep him in line

Jeff: does it ever work on him

Rey: not as much as I'd like it to

Jeff:* chuckles and signs finishing tying up my boots and watches my son play with his mask* I love my kid he's perfect

Rey: what's not to love about them at this age

Jeff: not to much you can't love but I should be going for my match* heads out with my son to the ring only he sat with the ring announcers

( am finished with this book let me know if you's want book two and maybe I'll mix things up)

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