Trip To Oscorp

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After a short amount of minutes, the school bus made it's way out of Royal Woods through the roadway exit and it was now headed towards the Oscorp building outside of town. The middle school students were happily chatting to each other to let time pass on their trip, while Lincoln was still seated next to Gwen.

"Seriously? You live with ten sisters in your family?" Gwen asked with a very surprised expression.

"Actually, my oldest sister is away at collage so I'm only living with nine of them." Lincoln answered. "But yeah, I have ten sisters in my family."

"Guess I should be lucky I'm an only child." Gwen said, chuckling a little bit. "I'm guessing all of your sisters are different, then?"

"In their own unique ways." Lincoln said. "Lori's a master at golf, Leni is really talented with fashion, Luna loves to play rock music, Luan is a master jokester, Lynn is obsessed with any type of sports, Lucy's your typical gloomy goth, the twins are exact opposites, with Lana being a muddy tomboy and Lola being a pageant princess, Lisa is a little super genius, and Lily is just a lovable little toddler."

"Wow. They sound like a handful for you." Gwen admitted.

"It's true. They do tend to get in my nerves at certain times." Lincoln replied. "But I still love my sisters and I help them out whenever they need it. I wouldn't trade them for the world."

"That's really nice." Gwen said with a smile.

As Lincoln and Gwen kept chatting with each other, Clyde, Rusty, Liam, Zach and Stella watched them from their position in the bus.

"Those two have only just met each other and they're already getting to be nice friends." Stella commented.

"Yeah, Lincoln is super good at making good." Rusty said in agreement.

"It's just one of his traits." Clyde replied. "It's why he and I are best buds."

"I can't help be feel like those two are gonna make a mighty fine pair, one day." Liam told his friends, keeping his voice low so Lincoln wouldn't hear him.

"Are you sure, Liam?" Zach asked, having a little bit of doubt about that theory. "Lincoln's never been very good at getting himself a girlfriend."

"He's got a good point." A voice said as Lincoln's friends turned to look at Chandler, who was leaning against a seat in front of them. "As if Lincoln Lame's ever gonna get himself a lover in his dumb life. Take Cristina and Ronnie Anne for example."

"Nobody asked for your opinion, Chandler!" Stella retorted with a glare.

"And for your info, Ronnie Anne didn't reject him as a lover! They just agreed to stay as friends!" Clyde stated firmly.

"Whatever, McBride. Your best friend's still a loser." Chandler replied with a smug smile, making Lincoln's friends very infuriated.

"I'd like to see him trash-talking to old Rosie." Liam muttered.

"That jerk doesn't know what he's talking about." Rusty replied.

"Yeah, he's an idiot." Stella said in agreement.

Just then, everyone on the bus noticed a large building that was labelled 'OSCORP' at the top that was in front of them on the left. When the bus got right next to the building, it pulled over and stopped immediately.

"Alright, here's the Oscorp Tower." The bus driver told everyone. "This is where you kids wanted to go for your field trip, right?"

"It is. Thank you, very much." Mrs Salter replied as she stood up from her seat and faced the children. "Now, class, remember to stay close to me during the entire tour around this building. If you need to ask me something or if you have the urge to go to the bathroom, just let me know."

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