The Start Of A New Day

Start from the beginning

"Girls, slow down! One of you could end up choking on your food!" Rita warned.

"Chill out, mom. We ain't gonna choke ourselves to death." Luna replied as she and the other girls slowed down on their eating.

"That would be a very humiliating death." Lucy said.

"Yeah. It'd be a killer breakfast if that happened." Luan joked with her signature smile, causing her siblings to roll their eyes annoyingly. "Ha ha ha ha ha! Get it?"

"That's less funny than the previous breakfast pun you used, yesterday." Lana muttered.

"Very unfunny." Lily added.

"So, Linky, are you excited for your school trip today?" Leni asked with a smile.

"I sure am. It's gonna be very interesting to see all the gadgets and chemicals they have in that building and meet my Idols dr Curt Connors & dr otto octavius ." Lincoln answered.

"Please. Anything that involves some dumb science stuff is hardly interesting to look at." Lynn scoffed while rolling her eyes. "If you ask me, that trip sounds like a real snooze fest."

"Only a simpleton like you would say that, Lynn." Lisa replied, narrowing her eyes at the sporty girl. "Oscorp Industries is one of the most greatest multinational corporations in the entire world. They specialise in developing many impressive projects to help improve humanity, including advanced robotics and biological medications."

"You sure seem interested about this company." Luna admitted.

"Indeed. I have always desired to get an internship at the Oscorp building that has been created next door to our town." Lisa said, feeling quite giddy on the inside.

"I'm sure you'll get into that place one day, Lisa." Lynn Sr assured kindly.

"And I can tell you about all the stuff I saw after my field trip is over." Lincoln added.

"Thank you, father and elder brother unit." Lisa said.

"Well, I'm pretty much done with my breakfast." Lola told everyone, placing her fork on the table. "Can we get to school, now? I have some very important pageantry training to do before class."

"I'm ready to get going as well, mom." Lynn added with a cool smile.

"As a matter of fact, I think we're all ready to get going." Luna commented, causing the rest of her siblings to speak their own words of agreement.

"Alright, then. Go get your bags and wait for me in Vanzilla." Rita instructed. "And try not to cause a ruckus before we leave."

"Yes, mom!" The Loud siblings replied before they all rushed upstairs.

"Those kids just never change." Lynn Sr sighed, stacking up the breakfast plates and taking them into the kitchen.

When Lincoln got into his room, he started packing up his school stuff inside his backpack before he fully zipped it up and placed it over his back.

"Well, I'm officially set for my trip to Oscorp. I hope it'll be a really great one." Lincoln said to the audience. "It'll just be me, my friends and a bunch more kids my age just taking a tour around the place. Maybe I'll get to see some cool equipment?"

"Hurry up, Lincoln!" Lana called out from outside his room.

"We're all waiting on you, bro!" Luna stated.

"Einstein said time was relative, right? Maybe I'm not late. Maybe you girls are early.!" Lincoln joked before quickly rushing out the door. Lisa laughed " good one Lincoln" Said Lisa.
The sister were confused it a science joke explained Lincoln
He made a left turn for the stairs and saw his sisters waiting for him near the front door with their backpacks before he ran straight down.

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