Battle with the Mutant; Ixnus' Lament

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Outside the thieves' tent Ixnus lay on the grass, trying to pick himself from the ground. But before he could stand he was lifted up by his neck by a monstrous hand.

"Look at me!" growled the mutant creature, spitting it's green spit in Ixnus' face "This will be your end!"

The creature threw Ixnus back down on the ground and lifted his foot over his head. Before the monster's could even go down a sharp stick penetrated his knee.

"AAAUUUGGGHHH!!!" gargled the monster.

The thieves then saw, coming in on horseback, Leo, Rain and Erigg riding in to save Ixnus from the terrifying mutant.

"Kill them!" hissed the mutant to his thieves.

The scrawny thief pulled out his bow and arrow and pointed it at Leo. Once fired Leo grabbed the arrow, leaped off of his horse and threw the arrow back at the thief, hitting him in the shoulder.

     "Aaaauuugh!!!" cried the thief, trying to pry the arrow from his shoulder.

     "Kill them! Kill them all!" commaned the mutated Captain.

     The thieves ran towards the turtles, their weapons held high as the three turtles ran towards them. Rain swung his club into their chests and faces as Erigg splashed potions on a couple of them to make them itch.

     "Ha, I love that spell!" chuckled Erigg, as Leo ran by dodging attacks.

     As soon got to the mutant he leaped high, stabbing his katana into the mutant's chest.

     "Grrraaauugghh!!!" screeched the mutant.

     "You... came back for me?" uttered Ixnus, picking himself off the ground.

"Yes, I did." answered Leo.


"You never leave a companion behind."

"GRRRRRAAAAAUUUUGH!!!" screeched the mutant, it's green blood splattered across his chest "I.., WILL KILL YOU!!!"

The creature lunged towards Leo and Ixnus, who dodged his attack. The creature turned towards Ixnus who had picked up a torch. Ixnus shoved the torch in the mutant's face.

"NOOO!!!" screamed the mutant, backing away from the flame.

The creature swung it's claws, knocking the torch out of Ixnus' hands and prepared to strike. But Leo jumped in front of him, slashing the mutant's eyes.

     "GRRRAAAAUUUGHH!!!" screamed the mutant, holding to it's bleeding eyes "DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!"

     From out of the mutant's mouth a ball of green liquid was shot. The ball hit the face of one of the thieves who had been fighting with Rain. The thief's face began steaming as soon as it made contact with the liquid and he fell over, his face burned completely. The other thieves looked at their mutant captain and ran away so not to be hit by the dangerous stuff, as Rain and Erigg hid behind a rock.

     "I can't believe this!" said Rain "There must be some way to get close to him without being hit."

     Rain looked around and spotted the torch laying on the ground that Ixnus had before. He picked it up and turned towards Erigg.

     "I have an idea." said Rain.

     As Rain and Erigg hatched up a plan, the mutant wandered through the camp, searching for Leo and Ixnus, who were both hiding behind trees.

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