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"Si-woo hurry up or you'll be late for school. I won't tell you a second time" Sieun said as he tried to wake her up.
"I'm staying home today" She muffled with her face in the pillow. "I'll see you later Sieun!" She said as she picked up her phone from her bedside table.

After 30 minutes the front door closed

Si-woo sighed as she went to lay in her bed and got mad as she heard her phone ding
"I JUST WANT TO SLEEP" she yelled as she checked her phone


Can you bring my black notebook to my school, i forgot it and i can't go back home.

Ofcourse! Where is it?

It's on my desk on the right side.

I'll be there in 10!

She quickly put on Sieun's spare school uniform and a cap to hide her hair underneath. She grabbed his notebook and went put the door. Si-woo sighed as she had to wait for the bus.
The bus finally arrived, she got in and took a sit at the back. She was on her phone when a random man came to sit next to her but couldn't because of the backpack placed next to her. "Hi sweetheart, move your bag."he demanded
She squinted her eyes in confusion. There are so many empty seats everywhere why can't he find somewhere else to sit?
"Im sorry sir, there are other free seats everywhere else!" She said as she put her earbuds back in.
"I want to sit next to you" he said. Now she got a little bit creeped out. Can't he see the school uniform? She furrowed her eyebrows and just gave an akward smile and looked away.

"Miss, im talking to you"he said while reaching for her shoulder. "Don't touch me" she retorted as she stood up to walk away. She sighed from relief as she finally got out of that uncomfterable situation.

She took out her phone and called Sieun
"Sieun, i have your notebook do i need to bring it inside?" She asked -"he didn't even pick up. Inside I go" she said as she put her hair in a ponytail and the cap over her head.
She went up the steps and was about to head inside Sieun's classroom as her brother,Su-Ho and Bum-Seok walked away with Yeong-Bin.

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