Octonauts I'd Like You To Meet My Mate

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I blushed as I heard the Captain say okay Octonauts today's mission is visiting the Antarctic Peso has a very special surprise he wants to show us. I smiled as Kwazii said, "Who is it matey? I chuckled and said it's a surprise. Kwazii Yarr, couldn't you give me a clue? I chuckled and said nope. I smiled as the captain smiled and said we'll be in the meeting spot in t-ten. I blushed and nodded. Thank you, captain. I blushed and turned to tweak and said, "Is it ready?" She nodded and motioned for me to follow her. I smiled as I walked beside her to her workshop and spotted the egg incubator I asked her for and smiled as I said thanks Tweak I don't suppose you and Dashi could help me out with grooming my back handing her my feather comb. She chuckled and said I can do that." I smiled as she combed out my feathers while Dashi worked on cologne and a bowtie. I smiled as I thanked them both and froze as I heard Captain say Uhm peso, you'd better come see this." I blushed and rushed to look and froze as I saw Pinto mom and Pogo carrying my mate Kylee. I blushed and let out a shout, running out and the gup and said momma que pasa? Mom smiled and said she was okay she was just too tired to walk. I sighed, relieved as I turned around, and said Octonauts I'd like you to meet my brother Pogo and my mate Kylee." I blushed and smiled as Kylee hugged me and nuzzled me, letting out a joyous reunion honk. I smiled as I answered with a call of my own and gently kissed her cheek and smiled as she smiled and shyly whispered amor tenemos un huevo que necesita eclosionar pero debo irme a los terrenos de alimentación. I smiled and nodded lo se amor. I smiled and kissed her cheek and said we have options." I can either take it back with me to the octopod and care for it until it is old enough, or we can entrust it to mi hermanos. I blushed as she shook her head violently and said no, no, hermanos. I frowned and said, "Por que?" She shifted and leaned in close and whispered no confío en pogo y pinto es demasiado joven. I blushed and looked up at Pogo, who was acting suspiciously. I blushed and said pogo is there something you need to tell me?" Pogo shifted and said, "You already know how I feel about you, runt." I growled warningly and said pogo what have you done?" He chuckled and said, "Nothing you'll ever know." I growled and said, "You have all of ten seconds to tell me what happened and why my mate is so frightened of you." Pogo chuckled and said again your better off, not knowing." I growled and looked at Pinto, who shifted and sighed. I growled softly and said pinto if know what's going on and don't tell me you're as bad as him. Pinto shifted and looked away and walked into the gup, tugging my flipper as he passed. I followed him into the gup and frowned as he turned and shut the door behind us. I blushed and said, "What's going on?" He sighed and shifted uncomfortably and said, "You know how I always refused checkups." I nodded and said yeah why? Pinto blushed and said it'll help me explain if you give me one, but include my private area, you'll understand in a minute. I nodded and said OK can you hop up on the table for me?" I smiled as he did. I smiled as I started examining him from head to toe and growled as I got to his butt and genitals. I blushed and said, "Was that from Pogo?" Pinto shivered as I gently touched his bum, checking for tenderness. He blushed and said yeah I'm willing to bet your mate either found out about it, witnessed it or has experienced it first hand. I growled and nodded and said, "Does Mom know?" He blushed and shook his head and said no, but you know how she is. I sighed and said, "That's no excuse." I sighed and opened the door and said captain Kwazii mom I need your help. Kylee get the hell away from my brother. I smiled as she nodded, relieved, hurried to my side. I sighed as Pinto explained and frowned as Mom shifted to look at me sadly and said, "You know, as well as I do pinto can't stay. " I froze and look over at the captain who shifted and looked over at me and said its your decision Peso. I blushed and shifted and looked down at my feet and said he can stay with me provided he minds everything i say and stays out of trouble i can't always be there to watch every single moment of the day. Pinto froze and lifted my head and said peso que pasa? I frowned and said nada hermano ill be okay. Just promise me you'll listen." He nodded and said I promise." I smiled and said good now as for Kylee turning to my mate. You're not allowed near my brother anymore either. I smiled as she nodded and said, "Where would you have me stay?" Anywhere but my Mom's. Unless my brother finds somewhere else.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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