My 5 grade true love

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I was at school and i was in 5 grade.I used to like this girl named emily rios,but she bever knew until one day my friemd told her.On VALENTINS DAY i asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes.I started to start loving her and caring for her more and more,but these boys in my class started to like her and flirt with her and i used to be getting a little day we were at lunch and this girl named katina started to talk to emily rude and i got mad and told that girl if u want to talk to my girlfriend like that get your brother.that day we had gym with katina brother named terelle which is kinda my friand and terelle likes a girl named aiyana and he got mad because she was playing with me so gym was over.then my class went to recess and when we can back terelle was right in front of me and he told me yo dont talk to my sister like that and dont play with aiayana in gym.i got mad and start to punch and punch and punch and we got into a fight honestly i won and he started to be my friend after that fight.we both got suspended for 3 days.when i came back from those three days i saw her at the park and we started to play,but then her ex boyfriend named arron came.i left and i asked her did she do anything with arron she got all mad and said no i dont care what u think so i made a mistake and told her i dont ned her and i can get another girlfriend.she said ok then its over then i just lived on with my life i still have feelings for her and she is still in my class all that happened in 1/4/15 to 5/14/15 now im getting used to nor having her as a girlfriend but i hooe she will come aroumd and like me or date me again because i still trully love her.

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